2018-01-162017-12-20RIBEIRO, A. C. Meio ambiente e educação: percepção ambiental de jovens alunos acerca da água (IFMT). 2017. 158 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8109The debate on Environmental Perception (EP) is important for the areas of knowledge related to the environment, as well as for Environmental Education (EE) within the Mato Grosso Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IFMT), to go beyond the walls of this institution, helping the cultural training of young students on social and environmental issues. The present study aims to answer the question of the problem: what is the perception of students entering the IFMT integrated courses in 2016 regarding water? EP research usually deals with the environment in a broad way, which differs from the present study, in which the focus for Water, besides being an essential element for life on the planet, is explained by the need to verify if the results on perceptions of water are equated with the perception, of general scope, about the environment, based on other researches. The objective of this study was to verify the environmental perception of the students entering the Integrated High School of Buildings and Environment of the Cuiabá Octayde Campus Jorge da Silva and the Cuiabá Bela Vista Campus. The specific objectives are: (1) to identify the EP of school groups differentiated by courses, and; (2) outline the important aspects for the configuration of the most assertive strategies to the procedures of Environmental Education actions in the IFMT. Methodologically the research is descriptive, according to Triviños (1987). This research has a quantitative-qualitative nature (SÁNCHEZ GAMBOA; SANTOS FILHO, 2013), and the data obtained through a questionnaire applied to 22 students entering the Integrated Construction and Environment courses and enrolled in the 2016 school year, on the IFMT Campi in Cuiabá. When analyzing the data the results demonstrate that there is no difference between the environmental perception of the students of the evaluated courses. In addition, when the question of the different levels of categorization in relation to the environment was more specific, it was detected that the students present only what could be called environmental perception because this reflects at an inadequate depth level about environmental knowledge . Given the aspects observed in the research, it was possible to verify the fragilities in the structure of Environmental Education in the institution, making possible the suggestion of some preliminary proposals. When looking at the data and their confrontation with the literature it is possible to identify possible clues that lead to infer a probable need for a pedagogical reorganization of the EE to improve the development of the process of formation of the environmental culture of the students teacher training. The conclusion of the research presents the real need to carry out a re-reading of the environmental classification of the individuals' view, which is proposed as the main contribution of this study, changes in the perception study for the verification of the Level of Environmental Consciousness of the individuals, in order to help Transforming Environmental Education to act in their nature, so that there is in society the possibility of transforming the societal patterns of modernity.application/pdfAcesso AbertoIFMTEducação ambientalFormação culturalPercepção ambientalJovensEnvironmental educationCultural formationEnvironmental perceptionYoungIFMTCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOMeio ambiente e educação: percepção ambiental de jovens alunos acerca da água (IFMT)Environment and education: young students environmental perception about water (IFMT)Dissertação