2018-01-112017-12-04SOUSA, S. B. Dinâmica territorial e padrões espaciais da pecuária brasileira. 2017. 182 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8099Livestock farming constitutes one of the main economic activities in Brazil, motivating the occupation of about 30% of the national territory with pastures and accounts for a share of 30% of agribusiness GDP. The rapid expansion of pastures, encouraged by the possibility of speculation and guarantee of land tenure, meant that a large part of the deforested areas was destined to cattle production with low efficiency. Several strategies have been undertaken to better target the evolution, spatial distribution and productivity of livestock activity; such actions have their genesis in the knowledge policies of the national territory, and in the distribution of pastures to the provision of specific rural credits for livestock and recovery and management of pastures. The general objective of this research is to investigate and define the spatial structure of livestock in Brazil, considering three different hypotheses related to the expansion of pastures, spatial patterns and territorial conformation. To fulfill the objective, answer the research questions and analyze the hypotheses, a cartographic approach was used, using data from multiple sources linking statistics and the Geographic Information System (GIS). Among the data used are: rural credit data of the Central Bank of Brazil; statistics from the Municipal Livestock Survey (PPM) and the IBGE's Agricultural Census; vector and matrix data that represent the coverage of pastures in Brazil, such as Probio 2002, TerraClass Amazonia 2014, TerraClass Cerrado 2013 both from the Ministry of the Environment (MMA), as well as the Pasture Synthesis of Brazil (LAPIG) and data from the MapBiomas Project. It was also adopted a Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) model based on the calculation of the local spatial autocorrelation, generating a mapping of clusters that subsidized the creation of a synthetic map of livestock areas. The results show a consolidated pasture cover in most of the Brazilian territory (approximately 175 million hectares), with a greater predominance in the Center-West region of the country. The data also point to a rapid expansion of pastures in the Brazilian Legal Amazon region, which may compromise ecosystem services and intensify territorial conflicts in the region. Between 1975 and 2016 the cattle herd in the North region grew by 2,174%, while between 1975 and 2014 there was an expansion of 525% of the areas occupied by pastures. Even with this intense expansion of livestock activity, the North region did not become a major rural credit collector, with almost always a participation of less than 5% in the total value provided by the National Rural Credit System (SNCR). It was possible to identify a zone of expansion of the livestock activity in the Legal Amazon, corresponding to the north of the state of Pará and the state of Roraima, where there was an expansion of 277% of the area occupied by pastures between 2000 and 2016, registering a stocking bovine> 1.2 head / hectare. In addition, PRODES data indicate that the expansion zone concentrated around 23% of deforestation in the Legal Amazon in 2016. These data allowed to support the thesis that currently, the agricultural frontiers, particularly in the Legal Amazon, do not present in their genesis a precarious use of land, registering livestock productivity similar to or greater than the other regions of Brazil.application/pdfAcesso AbertoExpansão das pastagensFronteiras agrícolasClustersCrédito ruralPasture expansionAgricultural frontiersClustersRural creditCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIADinâmica territorial e padrões espaciais da pecuária brasileiraTerritorial dynamics and space patterns of the brazilian livestockTese