2016-06-092016-04-01SILVA, C. J. A nova esquerda e sua atuação regional: a ação popular em Goiás. 2016. 156 f. Dissertação ( Mestrado em Historia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5659Our work aims to understand the role of the Ação Popular militancy in the state of Goiás, throughout its entire history, that starts in 1963 and ends in early 1972, due to the close in siege to the Brazilian New Left organizations by the repression agencies at the service of the Military Dictatorship. On this purpose, from the common ideological basis leading to the emergence and development of the organization in several states of Brazil, as the Liberation Christianity, the National People's minds and the Political Party, we seek to understand, not only the similarities expressed by the party, in the region, in relation to its political axis, but mainly its peculiarities. In order to properly Investigate the whole activity of these political subjects, we used the official documents issued by the information intelligence services, linked to the State Terrorism system, supported by the Brazilian military regime, but mostly to oral sources from interviews gave to the author herself. From the analysis of documentary sources, we seek to determine the impact which have had many external processes, for example the Coup in 1964, always questioning the influence of everlasting changes in policy guidance by the national leadership and how it was applied, fully or partially, the Ação Popular, in Goiás.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAção popularGoiásEsquerda brasileiraDitadura militarGolpe de 1964Brazilian leftMilitary dictatorshipCoup 1964CIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAA nova esquerda e sua atuação regional: a ação popular em GoiásThe new left and its regional acting: ação popular in GoiasDissertação