2018-11-292018-10-26MOURA, Sérgio de Almeida. A avaliação escolar nos ciclos de formação humana da SME/Goiânia (2001-2004). 2018. 187 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9110This work is linked to the research line "Fundamentals of Educational Processes" of the PostGraduation Program of the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás. The objective is to understand how the perspective of evaluation of the school organized by cycles of human formation according to the Political-Pedagogical Proposal of the Municipal Network of Education of Goiânia, management 2001-2004, is characterized, and to perceive how this perspective is confronted with the evaluation mode traditionally constituted in the school organized by the seriation. The main authors that help us in our analyzes are Coêlho (2012), Freitas (2003; 2005) and Lima (2002; 2003), mainly in the identification of school logic and evaluation in confrontation. The methodological choice was that of the case study research (Bogdan and Biklen, 1994), which directs the use of three different ways of accumulating data and its subsequent analysis: the bibliographic survey, the documentary research, and finally, the part empirical. The empirical part was accomplished by conducting interviews with three responsible for the proposal in the SME / Goiânia in the period. Data analysis revealed aspects of the implementation of the formation cycles in Goiânia that are very similar to the experiences of the Plural (MG) and Citizen (RS) schools in two senses: first, it refers to the fact that they are prefectures administered by the Workers Party, which coincides with the Brazilian historical context in which there was the expectation that the State (Federation, States and Municipalities) would adopt practices that would universalize social policies and social inclusion, especially the indices of poverty and misery constituted during the previous decades; second, it shows that, in general, all the experiences of formation cycles point to the confrontation of school failure as an objective. It is inferred specifically that the evaluation perspective proposed in formation cycles of Goiania contributes with possibilities of advancement of the school in the struggle for the improvement of the quality of teaching and its consequent reduction of failure rates. But it also reveals the limits perceived in the reality of the serial school logic, characteristic of the current historical particularity, which contradictorily impede the implementation of advances. The results were only possible by confronting the two models of school organization in their correctness and their contradictions in the practice of evaluation and in the very process of reversing the numbers of school failure.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAvaliação escolarCiclos de formaçãoEscola seriadaEscola públicaSchool evaluationFormation cyclesPublic schoolSerial SchoolCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOA avaliação escolar nos ciclos de formação humana da SME/Goiânia (2001-2004)The school evaluation in the cycle of human formation SME/ Goiânia (2001-2004)Tese