2020-09-082020-09-082020-02-29ABDZU, F. U. “Podem quebrar o maracá, mas não vão quebrar nossa tradição”. Datsimadzébré, ritual xavante de iniciação dos Danhohui’wa e dos Wapté. 2020. 55 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Antropologia Social) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10599The work, by a native anthropologist, reviews the bibliography produced by the white man, pointing out errors in the interpretation of the tradition of the A’uwẽ Uptabi people. The research presents an analysis of Datsimadzébré, an initiation ritual for danhohui’wa and wapté. The ritual, which creates age groups, was generally analyzed from the point of view of adolescents, (wapte), but did not received due attention from the point of view of the danhohui'wa. One of the highlighted points is the passage of the danhohui'wa to the group of the ipredu, the older adults who participate in the meetings in the wara. The danhohui'wa term is often translated as "godfathers", the analysis points to the inadequacy of that translation. The work articulates the narrative written with oral narrative explored through the audiovisual.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 BrazilAntropologia visualXavanteRitualDatsimadzébréDanhohui’waVisual anthropologyXavanteDatsimadzébréDanhohui’waCIENCIAS HUMANAS::ANTROPOLOGIA::ETNOLOGIA INDIGENA“Podem quebrar o maracá, mas não vão quebrar nossa tradição”. Datsimadzébré, ritual xavante de iniciação dos Danhohui’wa e dos Wapté“They can break the maracá, but they will not break our tradition”. Datsimadzébré, xavante´s ritual of initiation of Danhohui’wa and WaptéDissertação