2014-07-292011-01-192007-07-06MELO, Geovana Ferreira. Becoming a Teacher: training courses developed in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, Federal University of Uberlandia. 2007. 229 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2007.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1074This current study discusses the teacher education program developed at Federal University of Uberlândia, based on the analysis of three undergraduate courses: Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry. The purposed aims were: to point out and to analyze the main difficulties encountered throughout the teacher education program by the students; to identify the teaching knowledge produced in these courses, assimilated and used in a daily practice routine by the undergraduate students for their internship; to comprehend whether the specific contents, in the way they are worked, may lead to a pedagogical transposition; identify the predominant teaching practice in the courses that the most contribute for the development of a professional identity of the undergraduate students. We have had the institution and courses records, also the legal documentation, as references to analyze the scientific production in the field. A significant part of the data was obtained with the courses coordinators and professors who have been interviewed and focus groups formed by students. The analysis points out mainly to a solid teaching program of the specific content area in the courses which emphasize the subject content domain; however no unfolding attention regards to the teacher education program. This fact is a clear evidence of how far apart the academic knowledge is from the school knowledge. The features of the teaching education program rely on professional knowledge which is worked in a way that may lead to a professional identity development. The teaching procedures, gestures and relations established between the professors and undergraduate students have great relevance in the learning process of a profession, moreover, by the environment character of how the teaching education program occurs. The main teaching education practices highlighted by the undergraduate students are related to activities which are developed in groups when students and professors act as interlocutors. Furthermore, other activities stand out, such as: seminars, in-class discussions, curricular internship and experiences exchange with peers, besides the competent action of some professors. Despite some issues emerged from this study, several aspects of the initial formation, developed at University, help to make the university a exceptional lócus for elaborating knowledge, for developing professional identities, ways of acting and insertion in the profession. Some data points to the ability of reflecting about education, teaching, the process of teaching and learning how demonstrated by some students; the way they assume their own manners of acting without much support from and in their courses, but from a professional awareness committed with education improvement; students willing, especially those from the Mathematics and Chemistry courses, to identify themselves with the profession in spite of the upset and low status of teaching profession. The research has found out that the courses theory- scientific quality and the professors willing to discuss the teaching education program are vital to increase the improvements in this field nationwide.application/pdfAcesso Abertoformação de professoreslicenciaturasaberes docentespráticas formativasteaching education programlicentiateshipteaching knowledgeteaching education practices1. Professores - Formação - Uberlândia (MG) - TesesCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOTornar-se Professor: a formação desenvolvida nos cursos de Física, Matemática e Química da Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBecoming a Teacher: training courses developed in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, Federal University of UberlandiaTese