2017-10-022017-06-26BORGES, Elcileni de M. Habitação e metrópole: transformações recentes da dinâmica urbana de Goiânia. 2017. 374 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7817In the context of contemporary financial globalization, changes in the real estate circuit and the end of the restructuring of the PNH (from 2004), promoting the expansion of credit, subsidies and large sum of funds from state resources contributed to the private sector (pre-crisis period), which led to the adoption of new business strategies, typically neoliberal urban development products and territorial expansion towards the peripheries (especially from the public programs Crédito Solidário, PAC and MCMV), the present research aims to understand and unveil the set of transformations recent developments in the production and consumption of urban space in the RM of Goiânia, in the midst of the local metropolitan process and the growing demographic/housing demand. In the case of Goiás, the dynamization of the housing service also adds to the actions of the state public housing policy, through Housing Check/Agehab (granting of tax credits) and partnerships through "Check Complement" (whether in the construction of new units or in the improvement/expansion of units produced by the Federal Government). To do so, i analyze the distribution of housing in the territory, filtering information by social segmentation, location and market trends tendencies; based on a methodology that combines several techniques and approaches, including: graphic design, photographic survey, satellite image, mapping with of geotechnologies and case study (20 HIS projects in 07 municipalities of RMG). The verified results showed displacement of the "social market housing" to perimetropolitan areas, advancing on the bordering municipalities; intensification of the production of the economic segment, on the edges of the city (especially since the MCMV/PNHU), consolidates the peripheralization of verticalization (with strong performance of the MRV, Tenda, PDG, Rossi, Living, Viver); which added to the fashions of the planned neighborhoods launches in the vicinity of urban parks (a specificity of Goiânia), the high standard verticalization, both residential and business (life style, mixed use and corporate slabs) and the imposing CHFs ("rich suburbs"), consolidate new ways of living, a new pattern of urbanization (expanded morphology) and residential segregation - a "new urban geography", bringing profound changes in the "physical and social landscape" of the young metropolis of the Cerrado.application/pdfAcesso AbertoMetrópoleMercado habitacionalPolítica públicaReconfiguração urbana metropolisHousing marketPublic policyUrban reconfigurationDISTRIBUICAO ESPACIAL::DISTRIBUICAO ESPACIAL URBANAHabitação e metrópole: transformações recentes da dinâmica urbana de GoiâniaHousing and metropolis: recent transformations in the urban dynamics of GoiâniaTese