2017-09-152017-08-21DUMONT, L. M. A formação do leitor na filmografia de Walter Salles. 2017. 124 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7715This research focuses on the recognition of the importance and the need for emphasis on form readers of movies that they can find a common thread to understand the universe. The use of cinema as educational practice significantly facilitates the dialogue between curriculum content and the more general knowledge. The analysis of images and tools used by seventh art contribute to the development of critical understanding of the world and new forms of entertainment and thus the formation of the citizen. From the problematization of the cinema as able to transform the spectator into player and bolstered by theoretical supports Rosalia Duarte, Jacques Aumont and Robert Stam, among others, this research seeks to introduce paths for a pedagogical practice involving the film and school. In addition, presents a significant set of discussions and ideas that allow the formation of the reader, from a phenomenological analysis of tree films by Walter Salles, "Foreign Land" (1995), "Central of Brazil" (1998) and "Behind the Sun" (2001), as well as comment from other directors who influenced the field of film studies, art, culture and aesthetics. This dissertation seeks a response of dimensions that this theme, the cinema, has influenced the formation of the reader, search also the expansion of the concept of reading from a cinematic experience where the Viewer is participatory and recognize the language tags and the knowledge gained throughout their schooling. Search still incorporate the art of cinema to the cultural repertoire of the spectator, increasing, so your potential in a critical and reflective stance in life.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCinemaEspectadorLeituraPrática pedagógicaWalter SallesCinemaSpectatorReadingPedagogical practiceWalter SallesCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOA formação do leitor na filmografia de Walter SallesThe formation of the reader in the filmography of Walter SallesDissertação