2016-02-112013-11-21SILVA, T. N. Financeirização econômica e mercado de trabalho no Brasil. 2013. 219 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Historia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5224This dissertation presents the relationship of conflict between capital and labor, especially in Brazil, in the 1990s, due to the movement of financial globalization. More than that, it intends to present this confrontation was part of a general movement of autonomous capital appreciation, which permeated the world in the last three decades of the twentieth century. Movement that meant the consolidation of a new pattern of accumulation to the detriment of the fordist pattern and the wage society, constituted in post-second war. This transition has unleashed, worldwide, an intense and complex process of economic, political and social transformations, from the end of the 1970s, based on phenomena of global dimension, that blend and complement each other as determinants ingredients of this new moment of capitalism on a planetary scale; between these elements, the neoliberalism, the restructuring and the deregulation productive and the financial globalization. It should be noted that, at this stage of capitalism is glaring, the primacy of the market over society. Primacy reinforced by the government institutionalism that, through various measures, contributed to the successful transition towards forming a pattern of global accumulation predominantly financial, culminating in a huge penalization of the world of work. From this perspective, this dissertation analyzes specifically this process in Brazil, but with special focus from the implementation of the economic stabilization plan started with the Real Plan, here identified as the key moment for this transition could be consolidated at a national level. It is worth making clear that this broad movement of changing in the foundations of capital appreciation resulted in an intense process of deregulation and restructuring of production, which, joined to the liberalizing policies, had as interface the fragilization of the labor market and of the wage society, as well as worsening of social exclusion in Brazil.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFinanceirização econômicaMercado de trabalhoReestruturação produtivaNeoliberalismoEconomic financializationLabor marketProductive restructuringNeoliberalismCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAFinanceirização econômica e mercado de trabalho no BrasilEconomic financialization and labour market in BrazilDissertação