2023-06-192023-06-192023-06-05ALMEIDA, R. R. Corpovivências decoloniais compartilhadas e coconstruídas nas (e para além das) aulas de língua inglesa de um curso de letras: português e inglês. 2023. 236 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12901In this doctoral dissertation, I defend the idea of corpovivências as a fertile and necessary response to coloniality and its multiple dimensions, especially with regards to English language education. Thus, the reflections in this text are crossed by my personal corpovivências and by those coconstructed with the formal articulators of this study – Professor Barbra Sabota and nine undergraduate students of a B.A. in Portuguese and English teaching (Anny, Cristina, Helena, Jeni, Meteora, Nami, S.J., Tae and Vittor) – during the Covid- 19 pandemic, in 2020, in a public university in the state of Goiás. The questions that guided me in this research were: What corpovivências of mine and of the study's articulators shared and coconstructed in (and beyond) the Inglês V course contributed to identify, question and interrupt the historical, racial, economic, social and ontoepistemological damages caused by coloniality in a pandemic period? What other meanings could these corpovivências forge in the decolonial horizon? Based on them, I draw as my main objective: to discuss my academic andnon-academic corpovivências as well as those of the articulators of this study, in order to understand in what ways the discussions about Wellbeing and Language that took place in the Inglês V course in a B.A. in Portuguese and English teaching enabled possible decolonial insurgencies during the Covid-19 pandemic. In search of other ways to perform the methodology of this work, I resorted to ontoepistemologies that value the horizontalization in scientific research and the exercise of corazonar the university, seeking to understand/create different knowledges in a decolonial perspective. The doctoral dissertation material was constructed through six different sources: the personal narratives, written by all the agents of the study at the beginning of the Inglês V course; the personal identification form, filled out by the undergraduates at the beginning of the research; the class planning sessions, carried out by Barbra and me throughout the months of August to October 2020; the interactions in the classes, also recorded in audio and video in the aforementioned months; the audiovisual material produced for the classes, thought and designed by the professor, by me and by the undergraduate students during the course; and the individual conversations with the undergraduate students, which took place at the end of the bimester, in October 2020. The study demonstrated that, even if crossed by coloniality and its many facets, our corpovivências are full of life and urgent for the decolonial enterprise. Therefore, not the English language, but the bodies that produced meanings with it occupied protagonism in this doctoral dissertation. The translanguaging practices and empathic listening promoted in the classes provided fertile spaces for the existence and reexistence of many of us, who had the opportunity to coconstruct knowledge with what we have, with what we are, and with what we can become through language. Finally, I emphasize the decolonial potential of our corpovivências, since they engage us in the exercise of corazonar and horizontalize different knowledges in a perspective that goes beyond the walls of the university, reaching our homes, our families, our corpos-moradias; thus, becoming decolonial corpovivências.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalCorpovivências decoloniaisEducação linguística em língua inglesaLetrasCorazonarHorizontalidade de saberesDecolonial corpovivênciasEnglish language educationHorizontal knowledgeLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LINGUISTICA::LINGUISTICA HISTORICACorpovivências decoloniais compartilhadas e coconstruídas nas (e para além das) aulas de língua inglesa de um curso de letras: português e inglêsDecolonial corpovivências shared and coconstructed in (and beyond) english classes of a B.A. in portuguese and english teachingTese