2014-07-292012-11-282011-08-29VIEIRA, Cecilia Maria. Education and Racial-Ethnic Relations: dialogues and silences on the Implementation of Law Nº. 10.639/2003 in the city of Goiania.. 2011. 132 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2026The main objective of this thesis is the identification of whether the Course of formation of teachers on African History and Culture has made possible the production of dialogues or overcoming of the silence on ethnic-racial relations among teachers of the Municipal Education System in Goiania. The research began with the study of results of the formation course: to aid the implementation of the law 10.639/2003. From this viewpoint I examine ethnic-racial relations in Brazilian education, based on research on consciousness of teachers with respect to this theme and the production of publications about negros and education., seeking to show that the trajectory of the Black Social Movement has had and continues to have importance in the understanding of law 10.639/2003, as well as of legislation resulting from this law and by a comprehension of the process of continued formation of teachers. The methodology has involved bibliographic research, documental investigation in the files of the SME and interviews. In the course of this project a number of important themes have been recognized: Identity, Totality, the Myth of Racial Democracy, Historical Implications, Educational Legislation and Continued Formation of Teachers. The implications of the research were analyzed in light of the theoretical reference of dialectical historical materialism, which allowed the understanding of the possibilities and contradictions resultant of the new legislation. We conclude that the continued formation of teachers with respect to the question has not been given the necessary importance by the authorities (federal, state and municipal). Also, there exists a continual resistance by part of most teachers in relation to the racial question, silence and omission apparently due to ignorance of the historical contributions of black Brazilians and the continued Myth of Racial Democracy. There exists an urgent need of the creation of new spaces or retribution of spaces of dialogue in order to break the dominant silence and omission, initially of teachers but also of all society. This merely reinforces the argument which supports the relevance of the question.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFormação de ProfessoresRelações étnico-raciaisNegro e EducaçãoLei nº10.639/2003Teacher EducationEthnic-racial relationsBlack and EducationLaw No. 10.639/2003CNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOEducação e Relações Étnico-Raciais: Diálogos e Silêncios sobre a Implementação da Lei nº 10.639/2003 no Município de GoiâniaEducation and Racial-Ethnic Relations: dialogues and silences on the Implementation of Law Nº. 10.639/2003 in the city of Goiania.Dissertação