2017-08-112014-09-30LEMES, João Vitor Martins. Territorialidades quilombolas e acesso à justiça: do reconhecimento dos direitos à postura do judiciário brasileiro. 2014. 140 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Agrário) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7671The situation in thefield inBrazilportraysa realityof concentration ofland in the handsof a few,while communitiestraditionallylinked to thisspacehave difficultyhavingeffectedtheirterritorial rights. In this sense, the need arises todiscuss what arethe criteria foraccess to landandthe rolethat the state has, especially the judiciary, therealization of the rightsof thesecollective subjectsin view of theassertion ofequalitystufffrom the demandsthatintegratingrecognition andredistribution.Thus, this thesis proposes toreflect on theterritorial issueof quilombolacommunities whohaveconfiguredtheirrightsfrom therecognition by thelegal system, new categories, such as the identityandterritoriality. Considering thepaternaland internationalnormative frameworkgoverning, under theframework ofpluralconstitutionalism, access to land byquilombo communities, will be analyzed-the posture of the Judiciarydemandsrelated to access/right to territory, between 2003 and2014, in which they areincorporated ordirectlyinterested partiesthese communities, highlighting the mostrecurringpointsin theselawsuits: the constitutionalityof Decree4887/03 which provides fortitrationofquilombolaterritoriesasart.68 of theTemporary ConstitutionalProvisions Act; the formandthe procedurefor titration, especially thephaseof expropriation; and the conflictsinvolvingthequilombola communitiesandthe Brazilian state.application/pdfAcesso AbertoComunidades quilombolasTerritórios quilombolasAcesso à justaiçaQuilombola communitiesQuilombolas territoriesAccess to JusticeCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::DIREITOTerritorialidades quilombolas e acesso à justiça: do reconhecimento dos direitos à postura do judiciário brasileiroQuolombola territorialitys and acess to justice: from recognition of the rightsDissertação