2022-11-252022-11-252022-04-11BATISTA, T. E. P. As muitas linguagens em guerra com o português: a língua-afeto entre mulheres negras quilombolas em luta com as ideologias linguísticas no contexto universitário. 2022. 240 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás,Goiânia, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12458This work aims identify and discuss linguistic ideologies (IRVINE, 1989; SILVERSTEIN, 1979) mobilized in the interactions with young quilombola university migrants, through linguistic differentiation and hierarchization metapragmatic resources (SILVERSTEIN, 1993; SIGNORINI, 2008). Starting from a decolonial positioning (LUGONES, 2014; MIGNOLO, 2003; 2008) and considering its criticism (BISPO DOS SANTOS, 2015; CUSICANQUI, 2010), I consider it important to think about the colonial difference in social relations and seek a knowledge production based on border thinking (MIGNOLO, 2003), engaging in a decolonizing practice that goes beyond decolonial thinking (CUSICANQUI, 2010), also dialoguing with authors from the global south, blacks, quilombolas and indigenous people (BISPO DOS SANTOS, 2015; MUNIZ, 2016, QUINTILIANO, 2019), as a way of listening and seeking new doing science ways, decreasing the risks of a single story (ADICHIE, 2019). As a methodological procedure, I seek the generation of data from multisituated ethnography (BRIGGS, 2007) with a focus on collaborative workshops (BUSCH, 2010, 2012, 2017; DIAS, 2019) and the collective choice of tools for data generation with the participants. The analysis points to the intersection between linguistic and racial hierarchies (PINTO, 2018) and to the updating and reinforcement of modern colonial linguistic ideologies that are materialized in metapragmatics of various orders as a way of maintaining inequalities and hierarchizing bodies in our society. It also points to the networks of affection and afroaffection (MCELHINNY, 2010; POVINELLI, 2016; QUINTILIANO, 2019) and hope (AVRAMOPOULOU, 2017) as a form of resistance, re-existence (SOUZA, 2011) and confrontation the physical and symbolic violence that structural racism imposes on non-white bodies in the Western world. It seeks to understand the questions posed from the emic categories presented by the participants and the analysis shows that black quilombola women resist and re-exist with the language-affection, constantly tensioned in the university space by hegemonic linguistic ideologies that associate a people, a nation and a language, hierarchizing bodies through graphocentric linguistic ideologies, which put these women at war with Portuguese. The results of this research show that Afroaffection networks (QUINTILIANO, 2019) allow the formation of alliances between black quilombola women, as a way of aquilombar the university.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalLíngua-afetoIdeologias linguísticasMetapragmáticasQuilombolasRacismoLanguage-affectionLinguistic ideologiesMetapragmaticsRacismLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LINGUISTICAAs muitas linguagens em guerra com o português: a língua-afeto entre mulheres negras quilombolas em luta com as ideologias linguísticas no contexto universitárioThe many languages at war with portuguese: the affection-language among black quilombola women struggling with linguistic Ideologies in the university contextTese