2015-10-162014-09-02SANTOS, J. B. Parâmetros físico-ambientais para compartimentação geoambiental e delimitação da ocorrência de solos coesos na depressão do São Francisco, BA. 2014. 137 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4645Studies on cohesive soils in Brazil and worldwide indicate that cohesion in the soil is a factor of natural limitation to agricultural use. However, in the region of the Coastal Tablelands in Northeast Brazil these soils are used through use and management techniques adapted to their natural limitations, such as high resistance to penetration, hard when dry and friable when moist, with high density and reduced effective depth, depending of dense horizon. As for the cohesion process in the soil, would be related to the accumulation clay soil filling the pores and increase its density, making them more resistant to penetration of roots. The silicification process could also be related to the formation of cohesive horizon because that silica is one of the principal cementing agents in this process in various regions of the planet. In addition, climate alternating between dry season and wet season this would also enhance soil compaction. In this study we discuss the presence of soils with cohesive horizon in Oxisols and Ultisols Yellow Yellows geomorphological unit called Depression of the San Francisco-BA, focusing on the area of the snail farm that featured a soil survey in detail. From a geo-environmental partitioning was presented a summary with the main features of the landscape, in order to understand the environment in which this type of soil occurs. And with the help of physical and environmental parameters of the relief (hipsometria, slope and curvature of the sides), use and vegetation and soil properties (isovalue of clay and silica content), it was possible to create a map with the location of the area with potential occurrence of cohesive soils for Farm Caracol, which certainly extends outside its boundaries.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCompartimentação geoambientalSolos coesosLatossolo amareloArgissolo amareloSílicaArgilaPartitioning geoenvironmentalCohesive soilsOxisolUltisolsilicaclayCONSERVACAO DA NATUREZA::RECUPERACAO DE AREAS DEGRADADASParâmetros físico-ambientais para compartimentação geoambiental e delimitação da ocorrência de solos coesos na depressão do São Francisco, BAPhysical and environmental parameters for geoenvironmental and delimitation subdivision of occurrence of cohesive soils in depression of San Francisco, BADissertação