2017-05-222017-04-04FREITAS, L. A. Programação de espaços inteligentes utilizando modelos em tempo de execução. 2017. 151 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência da Computação em Rede) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7353The growth and popularization of wireless connectivity and of mobile devices has allowed the development of smart spaces that were previously only envisaged in the approach proposed by Mark Weiser. These smart spaces are composed of many computational resources, such as devices, services and applications, along with users, who must be able to associate with these features. However, programming these environments is a challenging task, since smart spaces have a dynamic nature, resources are heterogeneous, and it is necessary that interactions between users and devices are coordinated with one another. In this work, we present a new approach for smart spaces programming using Models@RunTime. In this regard, we propose a high level modeling language, called Smart Spaces Modeling Language (2SML), in which the user is able to model the smart space with all elements that can be part of it. Such models are developed by the users, interpreted and effected in the physical space by a model execution engine, called Smart Space Virtual Machine (2SVM), whose development is part of this work.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEspaços inteligentesModelos em tempo de execuçãoLinguagem de modela- gem específica de domínioMáquina de execução de modelosSmart spacesModels runtimeDomain specific modeling languageMo- dels execution machineCIENCIA DA COMPUTACAO::SISTEMAS DE COMPUTACAOProgramação de espaços inteligentes utilizando modelos em tempo de execuçãoSmart spaces programming using models at runtimeTese