2014-07-292010-05-112009-11-24BARBOSA, Isa Lorena Silva. Influence of coarse aggregate in the region of Goiânia Initial Tangent Modulus of Deformation of Concrete. 2009. 136 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/680This research is carried out to study the influence of aggregate source on the initial tangent modulus of deformation of concrete (Eci), to correlate the resistance to compression (fc) with the module Eci and compare the results of this research with the equations proposed by international standards and the Brazilian. To this end, it was used three levels of resistance to 28 days: 20MPa, 30Mpa and 40Mpa and ranged up the aggregate source in the types lithological micaschist, Granulito and Basalt. Set the type of cement, sand, water, and additive content of mortar. All materials are used in dosages of Goiânia and the surrounding region in order to determine the behavior of these materials in concrete that is produced in the region. The experimental program of this research is divided into two parts. The first is to determine the curves of strength of each aggregate source test of resistance to compression in the age of three, seven and 28 days, while the second part determines the initial tangent modulus of deformation on the ages of seven and 28 days. For the first part of the experimental program were molded 54 body-of-evidence and tested for resistance to compression. For the second part was molded 90 body-of-evidence, where 36 were tested for resistance to compression and 54 with the initial tangent modulus of deformation. With the end of testing was performed a statistical analysis of results obtained through software STATISTIC. In the analysis it was the influence of aggregate source in the initial tangent modulus of deformation (Eci), noting influences the levels of resistance adopted and distinct variations in the influence of aggregate source studied on the Eci, by increasing order of the results of module: micaschist, granulito and basalt. The results also indicated that the NBR 6118 (ABNT, 2003) overestimates the values of modulus of deformation of concrete.application/pdfAcesso Abertoconcreto, agregado graúdo, módulo de deformação tangente inicial, análise estatística.concrete. Aggregate source, initial tangent modulus of deformation, statistic analysis.CNPQ::ENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA CIVILInfluência dos Agregados Graúdos da Região de Goiânia no Módulo de Deformação Tangente Inicial do ConcretoInfluence of coarse aggregate in the region of Goiânia Initial Tangent Modulus of Deformation of ConcreteDissertação