2021-03-172021-03-172020-06-05PINTO, Rômulo Fabriciano Gonzaga. Educação do olhar e semiformação: (im)possibilidades educativas nos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial. 2020. 202 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11147This thesis, associated with the line of research “Culture and Educational Processes”, is the result of a research carried out according to the theoretical and methodological assumptions of the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School in the context of the CAPS AD. The research problem, considering that the education of the gaze can contribute to the process of semi-formation and that the ideological mechanisms of domination, such as the Cultural Industry, impose themselves for the purpose of standardizing consciences, converges to the following question: How the subject drug addict and mental health professionals can apprehend the images disseminated by the cultural industry in a process of educating the eye to understand the regulation and social control of the use of psychoactive substances? The data collection technique used in this research was the semi-structured interview and participant observation with all Physical Education teachers in the city of Goiânia who work at CAPS-AD. With the problem posed, we sought to understand how mental health professionals and the drug addict can apprehend the images disseminated by the Cultural Industry, and their possible links with a process of educating the gaze, and even if it is related to the policies of regulation and social control of the use of psychoactive substances. Thus, we sought to understand the advent of the prohibitionist drug policy and its articulation with human semiformation, identifying the processes of gaze education and its possible relationship with the ways of seeing and feeling in contemporary times, relating these to drug addictions and, finally , placing the cultural industry as a central mechanism of human domination in the specificity of the research focus. In view of these objectives explained here, this work was divided into four chapters. In the first chapter, we sought to understand the processes of human semi-formation and its possible relationship with the education of the gaze in the historical singularity of capitalism, in its unfolding as a logical and historical category. In the second chapter we present, from Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer, the development of the cultural industry throughout the 20th century and, concomitantly, we search in Chistoph Türcke, elements for the understanding of the advent of excited society. We present the concept of continuous sensory flows that has its origin in Richard Sennett, and that is also developed by Claudine Haroche, who strengthens the bonds of domination coming from the cultural industry. In the third chapter we present the processes of education of the gaze and semi-formation arising from the advent of social technologies of exclusion, the genesis and historical development of drug use, the origin and historical process of the prohibitionist drug policy. In the fourth chapter, we explain how, from the perspectives of health professionals and service users treated at CAPS, how the processes of gaze education can culminate in processes of (de) human formation. We conclude that, even at the heart of the contradictions, limits and possibilities, realities are placed inside and outside the CAPS so that therapeutic-pedagogical interventions can express possibilities of overcoming the existing in new possible future historical syntheses.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalEducação do olharSubstâncias psicoativasIndústria culturalSujeito toxicômano e semiformaçãoEducation of the lookPsychoactive substancesCultural industryDrug addictSemi-formation and emancipationCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO::ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEMEducação do olhar e semiformação: (im)possibilidades educativas nos Centros de Atenção PsicossocialEducation of the look and semi-formation: (im) possibilities educational in Psychosocial Care CentersTese