2020-12-032020-12-032020-10-29SALES, T. A. A. A organização curricular dos conteúdos de Educação Física sob a ótica dos professores do ensino fundamental II de Senador Canedo. 2020. 149 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Física em Rede) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10954The general objective of this research was to analyze the curricular proposals formulated by the Senador Canedo Municipal Education Secretariat (SEMEC) for the Physical Education curriculum component in Elementary School. In turn, the specific objectives were: to analyze the objectives and organization of Physical Education (PE) content for Elementary Education II in two curricular proposals from the municipality of Senador Canedo; and to investigate the perceptions of PE teachers modulated in Elementary School II on the organization of the contents presented by the curricular proposals formulated by SEMEC. With regard to methodological procedures, this research is of a qualitative nature, using the case study method. For data collection, we opted for the technique of document analysis and semi-structured interview. For data analysis, the content analysis technique was chosen. The results showed that the content proposals set out in the SEMEC curriculum proposal were organized to fulfill bureaucratic demands placed by the higher authorities without any concern or analysis of the current situation in the reality of the schools in the municipality of Senador Canedo. As a result of this process, it was possible to verify a document with an excess of content, mainly related to the sports component and health-related topics, a criticism also identified in the teachers' perception of the proposal. Despite pointing to praise for the diversification of content present in the proposals, the teachers make strong criticisms regarding their disposition during the school year. Faced with a proposal with these characteristics, we identified that teachers create strategies, each in their own way, to circumvent the propositions indicated in the proposal that did not correspond to their conceptions of PE and the reality that they are inserted. We also realized that despite the dissatisfaction in the content provision, teachers do not make in-depth criticisms about the conceptual structure of the document and the fact that the curriculum functions as an imposition of following the established sequence does not seem to disturb the process of knowledge transmission in PE classes. In this sense, it could be seen that Senador Canedo's curriculum proposal does not satisfactorily meet the professors' intentions that put it into practice, requiring a reformulation that in fact considers the responsibility knowledge of the curricular component, as well as the students' reality, school and municipality.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalEducação Física escolarOrganização dos conteúdos de EFPercepção dos professoresSchool Physical EducationOrganization of PE contentsTeachers' perceptionCIENCIAS DA SAUDE::EDUCACAO FISICAA organização curricular dos conteúdos de Educação Física sob a ótica dos professores do ensino fundamental II de Senador CanedoCurricular organization of Physical Education contents from the viewpoint of senador canedo elementary teachersDissertação