2020-09-292020-09-292019-04-18SANTOS NETO, P. M. O mapa e a Língua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS): possibilidades da linguagem cartográfica para construção do pensamento geográfico dos alunos surdos na/da educação básica. 2019. 325 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10818The Brazilian Language of Signs (Libras) is the way of expression and natural communication of the deaf person, as soon as impeditive none exists for same appropriating it of this linguistic system. Through this active and complete language, the deaf pupil can interact with the world from a complex and rich space visual language in details that makes possible the interpretation of abstract and concrete elements of social and natural hallmark. Starting with the hypothesis that there is the necessity of thinking about a map for the deaf pupil, as soon as the traditional maps do not attend his linguistic especificidades. In this context, Which the sense of the contemporary cartographical products for the deaf persons, being that they don’t manage to carry out his reading in the totality? We thinking, while theory proposal, that the map special for the deaf pupil, attending his linguistic necessities, makes possible the teaching-apprenticeship of Geography and the development of the geographical thought. For realization of the inquiry we center in school fact of the deaf pupil to answer two questions that direcionou the construction of the theory, the first one: What must be in the map for the deaf pupil? And the second: How must the map for the deaf pupil be prepared? For getting the primary data there were carried out observations of classrooms of Geography in rooms with deaf pupils, glimpsed with teachers of Geography, interpreters of Libras, pedagogic coordination and deaf pupils and, also, realization of workshop and minicourse with purpose of understanding how these subjects carry out the reading and analysis of the traditional maps. From the systematization and analysis of the obtained results, it was possible to identify that the deaf pupils had difficulties to carry out the reading and, consequently, the analysis and reflection of the spatialities of the present geographical phenomenon in the traditional maps, because the present verbal elements in these products are in Portuguese language (LP). Meantime, while producing maps in Libras and VisoGrafia the deaf pupils managed to carry out the reading with bigger easiness, as soon as these maps attended the linguistic aspect used by the deaf people for communication and expression with the society and the world. Therewith, it was possible to build a proposal methodological of School and Included Cartography for deaf pupils in whom the cartographical elements and the verbal language of the map are in the language of the subject open to question, making possible, so, that these students are included effectively in the process of teaching-apprenticeship of Geography in the cartographical slant.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 BrazilAluno surdoLíngua Brasileira de SinaisCartografiaInclusãoGeografiaDeaf studentBrazilian Language of SignalsCartographyInclusionGeographyCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::GEOCIENCIAS::GEODESIA::CARTOGRAFIA BASICAO mapa e a Língua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS): possibilidades da linguagem cartográfica para construção do pensamento geográfico dos alunos surdos na/da educação básicaThe map and a Brazilian Language of Signs (LIBRAS): possibilities of the cartographic language for the construction of the geographical thought of deaf students in the basic educationTese