2015-10-222015-04-24FAVARO, T. C. P. O governo Mauro Borges (1961-1964): o planejamento tecnocrático e os limites do personalismo populista. 2015. 435 f. Tese (Doutorado em Historia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4724Beginning his term as governor of Social Democratic Party (SDP), Mauro Borges Teixeira (1961-1964), founded the bases in order to develop the state of Goiás, through the Economic Development Plan, or MB Plan, based on study, undertaken by technicians from Getúlio Vargas (RJ) Foundation, and structured on Fayol model: Predicting, Organizing, Planning and Executing focused on interventional planning. This model explains the prominence of technocrats / managers in this administration. Managers are thought by reference to the Marxist John Bernardo, working to ensure the necessary and essential strategies to the organization and progress of capitalism, through Condições Gerais de Produção (CGP). As instrument of developmental actions, the Plan covered a reorganization of the state, as the technique in which they guided the construction and the strategy of its operation as an investment program articulated the study of financial possibilities, through the process of planning-budget, selected objectives and proposing an implementation schedule. From this perspective, prioritizing CGP ensured mechanisms to maintain order and fend off political unrest as well as the installation of schools, hospitals, prisons, detention houses, sanitary units, grain warehouses, basic services sanitation and urban infrastructure such as water and sewage, electricity, roads, highways, bridges. There was an effort by Mauro Borges to leave a rational profile in order to run the public state affairs, without leaving the clientelistic practices and personal interests in the institutional routine. The management model adopted could be identified as conservative reformer, and state action a privileged place to ensure the modernization and consolidation of the political project of developmental ideological character in Goiás.application/pdfAcesso AbertoMauro BorgesPlanejamentoCondicoes gerais de producaoGestoresCapitalismoMauro Borges.PlanningGeneral production conditionsManagersCapitalismCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAO governo Mauro Borges (1961-1964): o planejamento tecnocrático e os limites do personalismo populistaThe government of Mauro Borges (1961-1964): technocratic planningand limits of populist personalismTese