2014-07-292012-10-152012-07-31NOGUEIRA SOBRINHA, Denise Elza. Life, formation and education: the Earth Pedagogy Course of the Faculty of Education-UFG. 2012. 162 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2025This work, inserted in the research line Teaching Formation and Professionalization and educational practices , is concerned to a research carried out with basis on the historic and dialectic method with qualitative approach and critical conception of education, Its general aim is to understand relation between formation and subjectivity in teachers formation and its complexity in formative process. Its specific aims are to investigate subjective meanings materialized, by means of emotions and feelings, as expressions of affectivity and its linking effects, in formation, to cognitive process, revealed in the initial and continued formation of teachers, in this case people that have taken part of the Earth Pedagogy Course of the Faculty of Education of UFG - Salete Strozake division, in the period of 2007 to 2011; to apprehend and to analyze the pedagogical conceptions and teaching-learning experiences occurred in the referred course and the repercussions they can produce over teachers formation. This course resulted from a convention between the Faculty of Education of UFG and the following partners: National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reformation (Incra), National Program for Education in areas of Agrarian Reformation (Pronera) and the Via Campesina , an international league of peasants, in this convention represented by the following Country Social Movements and pastorals of Catholic Church: Movement of Without Earth Country Workers (MST) Movement of People Affected by Embankments (MAB) and still by Country People Popular Movement (MCP), Pastoral for Rural Youth( PJR), and Pastoral Commission for the Earth (CPT). The chosen sort of research is the study of case and the instruments for data collection were questionnaires, reporting interviews and groups of discussion. The categories of analysis are: Affectivity and Cooperation, Pedagogic Ideas and Labor. Fifty nine bird-educators of the referred course have taken part of the research. The formation developed inside it was marked by contradiction and resistance, both of the society as a whole and inside the university itself, that have not accepted the course, but by the resistance of the students that associated to construct contra-hegemoniacal actions against the urban and generalist paradigm and the unique history which emphasizes the country as a place of backwardness and no-wisdom; against the discrimination they suffered in universitarian space, all of this inserted in larger struggles against the imperative of Capital. The formative work developed in the course was marked too by the undisjoinability between affective and cognitive aspects, by the dimension of sensibility, by solidarity in teaching formation by the valorization made by teachers of previous knowledge of students and finally by a meta-cognition process and teaching-learning experiences.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPedagogia da TerraFormação de professoresSubjetividadeSentidos subjetivosEarth PedagogyTeachers formationSubjectivitySubjetive MeaningsCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOVida, formação e educação: o curso de Pedagogia da Terra da Faculdade de Educação da UFGLife, formation and education: the Earth Pedagogy Course of the Faculty of Education-UFGDissertação