2014-07-292011-05-162010-10-18REIS, Victor Emmanuel dos. Monitoring Proposal of Physical Processes in road work.. 2010. 159 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1337This work presents an evaluation of the processes of the physical environment in road construction, materialized in two case studies and thereby aims to contribute to a proposal for monitoring of these processes trigged or intensified by road constructions. In the first case study addressed the highway GO-309 located near the capital of Goiás. The applied methodology includes monitoring the construction phases of the highway, from the completion of field survey form to record information gathered over the years 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2010. We observed the processes of the physical environment and impacts and made relevant correlations and analysis. Were highlighted the erosion and landslides induced by construction of road works, causing degradation of the most diverse, compromising the body road practicability and safety of the user traffic. The survey also allowed, besides the qualification, the quantification of the recovery costs of degradation processes, observed compared to the physical environment that needed reconstruction and recovery of a great part of the road segment. The second case study is a stretch of the highway GO- 236 located in the northwestern state. The methodology used two geophysical researches: Non-invasive and non-destructive; The method of resistivity or electrical profiling, which allowed the analysis of the susceptibility to mass movements related to the location of karst cavities and structures of depth, and the method of Ground Penetrating Radar or Ground Penetrating Soil- GPR in locating natural or artificial structures and the assessment of stratigraphy, thickness and condition of the pavement layers. It has been shown in addition, the importance and relevance, the use of geophysical prospecting methods of investigation, with the use of the GPR and resistivity in road works. Mainly in the recognition of the area of interest, allowing a better foundation in decision making, mitigating potential future risks. The aim is to it, provide subsidies to road agencies in the preparation of technical specifications and terms of reference for controlling and monitoring the dynamics of the processes of the physical environment.application/pdfAcesso AbertoMonitoramentoProcessos do meio físicoEnsaios geofísicosRodovias.MonitoringPhysical ProcessesGeophysical ResearchHighways1. Geotecnia 2. Processos do meio físico-Monitoramento 3. Ensaios Geofísicos 4.Rodovias- Goiás (Estado)CNPQ::ENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA CIVIL::GEOTECNICAProposta de Monitoramento dos Processo do Meio Físico em Obras Viárias.Monitoring Proposal of Physical Processes in road work.Dissertação