2018-05-162011-09-29OLIVEIRA, Ilse Franco de. A expansão sucroalcooleira em Goiás e o licenciamento ambiental. 2011. 99 f. Dissertação ( Mestrado em Agronegócio) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8482Technological advances have allowed the improvement of agricultural areas of the Cerrado, transforming this area of land traditionally regarded as low-productivity in farmland. With increasing demand for ethanol, the advance in sugarcane production in Brazil has occurred both with the expansion of planted area as of income. This significant sector growth observed in the Cerrado confirmed the trend sugarcane agro-industry to expand in regions close to areas producers and that somehow present topographical features and climatic favorable for growing cane sugar. Natural factors and technology along with tax incentives contributed to the installation of new sugar and alcohol industries in the state of Goiás making it competitive in the industry. One question that presents itself to this expansion is the need to prepare Environmental Impact Assessment and respective Environmental Impact Reports (EIA / RIMA. This study aims to analyze these documents as well as the licensing process as a whole, trying to identify as it constitutes an arena where so many interests. Thus, in addition to speech of technical rationality environmental license will be worked as an instance where you can identify strategies and conflicting positions of government officials, entrepreneurs and environmentalists.application/pdfAcesso AbertoSetor sucroalcooleiroLicenciamentoGoiásSugar-ethanol sectorLicensingCIENCIAS AGRARIAS::AGRONOMIAA expansão sucroalcooleira em Goiás e o licenciamento ambientalThe sugar-ethanol sector expansion in Goiás and the environmental licensingDissertação