2018-07-232018-07-13LAURO, M. E. S. Análise econômica dos indicadores de continuidade da Celg Distribuição. 2018. 76 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Economia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8728The present dissertation aims to evaluate the quality of the service provided by Celg Distribuição, through its continuity indicators, in order to propose improvement actions for the company. The collective indicators of duration and the equivalent frequency of interruptions (DEC and FEC), using a database formed from more than 200 data sets, are evaluated through unpublished methodologies for the theme, spatial analysis and decomposition of Oaxaca, with 200 million of observations related to all interruptions between 2014 and 2016 in the concession area of ​​the distributor. The main results indicate that there is a structural problem with the extrapolation of the regulatory limits of the distributor's indicators, placing it as the worst distributor in Brazil in recent years, a problem that was accentuated by the transfer of control of the State of Goiás to the Union in 2011. This problem presents a heterogeneous problem along the 200,000 km² area of ​​the concession area, whose problem is concentrated in the interior regions of the State of Goiás. In addition, there are significant differences regarding the the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia (REMG) and the interior of the State regarding the durations of the power outages. With the research, four actions are proposed for the company, being they to apply actions of the best electrical assemblies to those where the situation is more critical; to request the regulatory body to redefine regulatory limits; identify the primary cause of the outage; define a specific maintenance policy for the interior of the state of Goiás, a region whose continuity problem is more pronounced than in Goiânia.application/pdfAcesso AbertoIndicadores de continuidadeInterrupção de energia elétricaEnel Distribuição GoiásEstatística espacialDecomposição de oaxacaBrazilian electric sectorPower interruptionsEnel Distribuição GoiásSpatial econometricsDecomposition of oaxacaCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::ECONOMIAAnálise econômica dos indicadores de continuidade da Celg DistribuiçãoEconomic analysis of the indicators of continuity of Celg DistributionDissertação