2014-08-292013-10-29SANTANA, Aline Neves Vieira de. Contribuições do ensino de ciências no centro de atendimento socioeducativo de Goiânia. 2013. 123 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Matemática) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2969The aim of this text is discussing how Science Teaching can influence young people in conflicts with law in CASE (Centro de Atendimento, Socio Educativo) in Goiânia to find the educational instruction and adopting a procedures and attitudes in society. With the objective to find the comprehension of the complex elements that come from the everyday life of the participants, it is perceived the necessity of a qualitative approach, using the participative method. For data construction, it was used interview with coordinator of school, questions to be answered by teachers of specific knowledge areas, the working plan of the Science teacher and direct observation of the Science lessons made in classrooms, transcribed, analyzed and categorized. Initially, the research theoretical corpus refers to Brazilian legislation for Young people who practice offenses and the right of these people around school instruction while they are fulfilling the social rehabilitation reclusion and after that it can be used the Science teaching as a necessary discipline to develop the conceptual contents. After the audio recordings, transcripts and observations of Science lessons, it emerged from the speech analysis, writing, gestures and students actions. It was observed the educative intentions expressed in the educational lesson plan, as well as the possible development paths that conduct to school learning. Therefore, the positions adopted in the plans elaboration and the class development allowed the proposals realization. In the same way it was included the official documents of the area, as well as the theoretical Science Teaching sources. It was found when it is spoken about the students in conflict with Law, the school immersion into an environment of privation freedom, lack and restriction of educational legislation and a specific curriculum, the difficulties of coordinating and teaching about beginning and continual formation to treat this type of school and of the restriction of the use of teaching materials. They are simple steps in schools that could help these young people the possibility of adopting new positions in front of the society. However, observing the local conditions, it is necessary to give importance of creating a public and special thought with norms and rules of schooling system, as well as continuous training of teachers and educational coordination to rescue in the educational planning and development of lessons, and about the commitment to new ways of learning and doing science.application/pdfAcesso abertoAdolescentes em conflito com a leiEnsino de ciênciasEstratégias didáticasAdolescents in conflict with LawScience teachingMATEMATICA::MATEMATICA APLICADAContribuições do ensino de ciências no centro de atendimento socioeducativo de GoiâniaContribution of science teaching in a centro de atendimento socioeducativo in GoiâniaDissertação