2014-07-292012-05-152012-03-30SCHIFINO, Rejane Bonomi. A historical perspective on the constitution of Dance in Goiânia (1940-1990). 2012. 186 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2329This paper aims to establish the relationship between Dancing and History, trying to understand how this practice integrates with Goiânia s cultural lifestyle. Starting from the apparent contradiction between an imported art and a culture closely tied to the regional universe of Midwestern, we tried to demonstrate how this activity flourished in the capital of Goiás, through the systematization of its education, the training of local professionals, the artistic production in the area and the opening of specific spaces for its experience over time. According to this objective, we used different sources: the collections of documents linked to the dancing universe in the city, documents made available by the goianienses public files, interviews with local professionals and selected bibliography on Goiás historiography and history of dance. The analysis of these sources and the selected bibliographic references demonstrate that if the dance has spread from the activity of teachers from other States and countries from late 1940 did not originate in the territory of Goias, it was absorbed as part of local culture due to the nature of its Constitution: integrative, hybrid, possessor of both rural and urban elements. This peculiarity has allowed, between 1940 and 1990, that many teachers settled in the city and establish their way of teaching permanently, by introducing different teaching methodologies, forming dancers with recognized excellence, producing and participating in performances and events related to this activity and promoting this practice under various approaches such as acquisition of culture, physical exercise, as a profession, therapy, a hobby. At the same time, it contributed to the formation of a local habitus, forming a sociable network that has unique forms of relationship and reaches not only the direct public of local private tutors and their living spaces, but also the public spaces, such as schools and dance companies.application/pdfAcesso AbertoHistória da DançaGoiâniaHabitusCulturaArteHistory of DanceGoiâniaHabitusCultureArt1. Dança história Goiânia (GO); 2. Cultura Goiânia (GO)CNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAUma perspectiva histórica sobre a constituição da dança em GoiâniaA historical perspective on the constitution of Dance in Goiânia (1940-1990)Dissertação