2021-09-132021-09-132021-08-02JESUS, L. H. R. Otimização da força contra eletromotriz e do torque eletromagnético mediante a modificações nos parâmetros estruturais de uma máquina síncrona de ímãs permanentes. 2021. 100 f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Elétrica e da Computação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11627This work aims to present an approach to the optimization process of a surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous machine (SM-PMSM) using the Tensors method, as well as methods and techniques for parametric optimization and topological optimization. It evaluates the behavior of the Back-Electromotive Force (Back-EMF) operating at no load and under load, as well as the behavior of the electromagnetic torque. The optimized parameters directly relate to the saturation of the machine as the electromagnetic load is increased (nominal load). The optimization process allows a reduction in the electromagnetic torque ripple, keeping the back-electromotive force unchanged. The results for the optimization of the Back-Electromotive Force presented variations lower than 0,5% when compared to its behavior operating at no load, with its behavior operating under load. For the electromagnetic torque optimization process, the results achieved provided to the SM-PMSM project a reduction in the electromagnetic torque ripple of approximately 37% and a reduction in the structural volume of 38,23%. Finally, optimization techniques and methodologies were compared regarding the results and objectives proposed for the optimization of the permanent magnet synchronous machine under study.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalForça contra eletromotrizEstratégias de evoluçãoEvolução diferencialAlgoritmo genético compactoPermeabilidade fixaOtimização paramétricaOtimização topológicaMáquina síncrona de ímãs permanentesBack-electromotive forceEvolution strategyDifferential evolutionCompact genetic algorithmFrozen permeabilityParametric optimizationTopology optimizationPermanent magnet synchronous machineENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA ELETRICA::SISTEMAS ELETRICOS DE POTENCIAOtimização da força contra eletromotriz e do torque eletromagnético mediante a modificações nos parâmetros estruturais de uma máquina síncrona de ímãs permanentesBack-EMF and electromagnetic torque optimization through modifications on the structural parameters of a permanent magnet synchronous machineTese