2019-05-132019-03-29MARCELINO, R. A. S. Tramas e enredos do feminino: uma investigação da sexualidade na velhice. 2019. 140 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9603This research aims to investigate, from the perspective of psychoanalyses, the modes of subjectivation of women’s sexuality in old age. For that, it was done a historical and political rescue of the building of the feminine in modernity. Therefore, this study intents to reflect about the old age and its subjective aspects in relation to women, her body e her sexuality. We observed that the old age replaces a lot of conflicts to the subject that involve the body image and the self-concept, the desire and the sexuality of the old age, mainly resulting from the taboo and the prejudices around this aspect of life. From this, using the life narratives, we analyzed the autobiographical reports, in order to understand how the body image constitutes and it is constituted by the path and the life experiences. Six women were interviewed between the ages of 69 and 80. We discussed how the image confronted in old age seems to produce a mourning even bigger in female subjectivity, this is because the ideals of youth and beauty are even more oppressive concerned the image of women. In interviews it was possible to identify how the mother-wife-without-profession model was universalizing in the identity formation. A socially constructed image around the wedding and the motherhood, where these activities with care even became the only possibility of paid work. We concluded by stating that the feminine identity in the old age, is being reduced to the maternal and to the care. Their body, marked by time causes her suffering , resulted by the dictatorship of the beautiful and the young, which consequently affects how the old age and the sexuality is understood and experienced by the women.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFemininoVelhiceCorpoSexualidadePsicanáliseOld ageBodySexualityPsychoanalysisFeminineCIENCIAS HUMANAS::PSICOLOGIATramas e enredos do feminino: uma investigação da sexualidade na velhicePlots and plots of the feminine: an investigation of sexuality in old ageDissertação