2018-07-302018-06-26FARIA, Raclene Ataide de. Autorrepresentação de pessoas com deficiência intelectual: a concepção sobre a deficiência e os “sonhos” para o futuro. 2018. 250 f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8750This research, carried out from a qualitative approach and with data collected through in-depth interviewing, has as its main objective to know the representations that young people with intellectual disabilities (ID) have concerning their disabilities and the aspirations that they have for their personal future. With this intent, ten people with ID were interviewed. They live in various regions of the city of Goiânia/GO, have formal schooling experiences and their ages range from sixteen to thirty-three years old. The theoretical basis is grounded, among others, on American (2010), Berger and Luckmann (2003), Foucault (1995, 2001), Glat (1989), Lobo (2015), Meireles (2014), Moscovici (2007), Pessotti (2012), Silva (1986), Vaginay (2012) and Vygotsky (2012). The bibliographic research revealed that historically people with ID have experienced situations of exclusion, segregation and social silencing. Representations of them, for centuries, have been based on conceptions of supernaturality or subhumanity. The emergence of more dignified social and scientific representations occurred mainly in the second half of the twentieth century. In Brazil, the social effects of such representations, especially in their personal lives, were intensified with the emergence of inclusive education in the late 1990s. Data analysis indicates that awareness of the disability is not generalized; they perceive their singularities, but do not relate them to ID; they explain it, as a rule, through capacities, not difficulties and/or limitations; they experience freedom and interactive possibilities, including virtual ones, similar to those of their age peers; they are happy people; they are aesthetically similar to any young person; they strive to forge a positive social image of themselves; they aspire to have an ordinary life regarding work, money, a quiet life, profession, home and family.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAutorrepresentaçãoDeficiência intelectualRepresentaçõesSociologiaSelf-representationIntellectual disabilityRepresentationsSociologyCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIAAutorrepresentação de pessoas com deficiência intelectual: a concepção sobre a deficiência e os “sonhos” para o futuroTese