2014-07-292012-12-272011-03-01MORAIS, Tiago Meireles do Carmo. Moving Theodicy: Neopentecostal Reliogiosity and Cultural change. 2011. 131 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1621This dissertation‟s intent is to examine the adaptability of the neopentecostal phenomenon, of remarkable presence in the brazilian religious field, to the courses of contemporary modernity. Specifically, it is concerned with the affinity that neopentecostalism appears to have, through its doctrinary axis, the Theology of Prosperity, with the established culture of consumption of a society marked by globalization. By doing so, it concentrates on studying the universe composed by believers and religious leaders associated to the Igreja Fonte da Vida, based in Goiânia, with special attention to its religious ideas and to eventual correspondences of such ideas with the cultural assumptions of modern consumerism. The work‟s starting point is Max Weber‟s (1999a, 1999b) Theory of Action, updated by the theoretical enterprises of Alfred Schutz (1979), Pierre Bourdieu (1999) and Colin Campbell (2001, 2007). Campbell‟s work has a privileged position among the scientific productions considered, due to fact that his work transits between the themes of religious ideas and culture of consumption. The empirical work is accomplished through the use of phenomenology‟s tools, with the intent of capturing the orientation of individual consciences of believers and leaders interviewed. This enables the investigation of the social action performed by such actors.application/pdfAcesso Abertoneopentecostalismocultura de consumoreligiãoprotestantismoneopentecostalismculture of consumptionreligionprotestantismCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIATeodiceia em Movimento: Religiosidade Neopentecostal e Transformações CulturaisMoving Theodicy: Neopentecostal Reliogiosity and Cultural changeDissertação