2017-06-292017-05-11PORTELA, Mugiany Oliveira Brito. O ensino de Geografia sobre cidade na educação básica: conhecimentos geográficos de jovens universitários em Teresina – PI. 2017. 266 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7473This research has as guiding principle to understand the geographical knowledge of university students, expressed in concepts about the city and the urban, as indicators of results of teaching-learning processes in basic education, especially in high school. And, more specifically: to analyze the official proposals for high school in national, state and municipal level of Teresina, as a curriculum former for the teaching of Geography; to identify the city and the urban as contents for the teaching of Geography in the contexts of the ENEM and of the didactic books of Geography for the high school; to know the socioeconomic profile of the recently admitted young university student from the UFPI-Teresina, as subjects of this research; to verify components of high school in relation to the geographic knowledge present in the understanding of university students in relation to the geographic space of the city of Teresina; And to define guiding elements of curricular guidelines for the teaching of Geography, in view of citizen practices. For this, the research used as main theoretical and methodological references Vygotsky (2000, 2007) and Cavalcanti (2005, 2008, 2012, 2014a). The work of these authors, together with other writers, contributed to the formatting and use of the following instruments: documentary research, research in the tests of ENEM, research in didactic books, questionnaire for young recently admitted, activity for the verification of scientific and everyday knowledge, as well as discussion groups; besides the analyzes which were being structured according to the collect of information. In this context, the qualitative approach was used for the analysis, following the dialectical method. The research was conducted in Teresina, Campus Minister Petrônio Portela, UFPI, in 2015 and 2016, and had as subjects the recently admitted young college student in the courses of Electrical Engineering, Bachelor of Laws, Pedagogy, Degree in Physical Education, Veterinary Medicine and Degree in Mathematics. Among the main conclusions, it was observed that the young people, although they were predominantly restricted to the empirical knowledge about the urban aspects and about the city of Teresina, they provided, at the same time, evidence of a high school which still persists in the search for positive results in tests that are used as quality national indicators. It’s the case, especially of ENEM, because this seems to be the option of the most schools in order to their students to be admitted in university. Furthermore, it was verified that a qualitative diagnosis stimulates the self evaluation of the young people and provides the necessary evidences to be able to analyze what they could internalize about the geographical knowledge during basic education, identifying, so, how was the process of teaching submitted to them.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEnsino de GeografiaCidadeJovens universitáriosDiagnósticoTeresinaGeography teachingCityYoung university studentsDiagnosisEDUCACAO::ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEMO ensino de Geografia sobre cidade na educação básica: conhecimentos geográficos de jovens universitários em Teresina – PIThe teaching of Geography about city in basic education: geographic knowledge of university students in Teresina- PITese