2016-04-042015-12-10CRISPIM, D. C. Mapeamento da vulnerabilidade de águas subterrâneas nos municípios do eixo Goiânia - Anápolis, Goiás. 2015. 116 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia do Meio Ambiente) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5407Human activities and the growing urban sprawl have caused a degradation in both quantity and quality of surface water and as a consequence the increase in the search for alternative sources of water resources. This research sought to contribute to the preservation of aquifers, by mapping the vulnerability to contamination and evaluation of the ionic quality of groundwater. The use of vulnerability maps is of real importance when planning to promote groundwater conservation activities, because, knowing the areas susceptible to contamination, can align the activities to be installed in these regions. The objective of this work was to develop vulnerability maps of groundwater contamination for municipalities located in the Goiania-Anápolis Axis and to evaluate the ionic quality of the groundwater in the Goiânia county. The vulnerability assessment used the GOD method that considers the following parameters: type of the aquifer, depth of water level and characteristics of rock strata above the layer of interest. The GOD method comprises a simple methodology that generates practical results of real usefulness and importance. The study comprises the following municipalities: Anápolis, Campo Limpo de Goiás, Goianápolis, Goiânia, Terezópolis de Goiás, Nerópolis, Ouro Verde and Senador Canedo, which belong to a region of great interest because they have important economic activities and high population density. The vulnerability map obtained show highly vulnerable regions corresponding to 8% of the total area; medium vulnerability, equal to 24%; low vulnerability with 57% being the most prevalent, and insignificant vulnerable regions, totaling 11%. These results are similar to those obtained by Nogueira (2010) for a specific part of the same region, making the maps an important planning tool to assist managers in the definition of risk areas for occupation and in the identification of regions with less possibility of contamination.application/pdfAcesso AbertoÁguas subterrâneasVulnerabilidadeMétodo GODQualidade iônicaDiagrama de PiperEixo Goiânia - AnápolisGroundwaterVulnerabilityGOD methodIon qualityPiper diagramAxis Goiânia - AnápolisENGENHARIA SANITARIA::RECURSOS HIDRICOSMapeamento da vulnerabilidade de águas subterrâneas nos municípios do eixo Goiânia - Anápolis, GoiásMapping of groundwater vulnerability in municipalities in the region between Goiânia–Anápolis, GoiásDissertação