2014-07-292010-08-052010-05-20ROCHA, Bárbara Cristina Castro de Melo. Performance assessment of disposal units from Rainfal collection system from roofs made by three different materials. 2010. 186 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/644The water shortage has become one of the world's main problems, leading to the development of new technologies and practices of water conservation. In order to obtain more effective solutions to solve this problem, new researches have been carried on to create hydraulic and sanitary systems more sustainable or, at least, system that causes less impact to the environment. Among the technologies economically available on water conservation in buildings, the use of rainfall collected from roofs can be of great potential to become a viable solution. The objective of this work is to study the ideal conditions for the disposal process of rainfall collected from three roofs made of different materials: metal, asbestos cement and ceramic tiles, located nearby, with the purpose of identifying both the ideal volume of disposal and the achievement of water quality standards, so that it becomes feasible for future uses. To do so, experimental units were installed to collect, dispose and store rainwater from three buildings located within the area of the School of Civil Engineering at Federal University of Goiás. After monitoring the volume of disposal correlating it with the quality assessment of the rainwater collected in each type of roof and with the rainwater collected directly from the atmosphere, the processes were evaluated based on the observed parameters and on the criteria established by the NBR 15,527 (ABNT, 2007), in order to identify the best way to implement disposal units in rainwater usage systems in buildings. It had been found that the rainwater disposal process is essential for obtaining water with better quality from these systems. It had also been observed that the disposal based on time does not seem to be securely enough to guarantee the necessarily quality in the collected water. Among the roofs in study, the metal roof gave water with the best quality after the disposal of the first 100 liters collected (this corresponds to 1,33 mm of accumulated rainfall in the area of study). It is presumed that the metal roof is the best choice to collect rainfall water because it is smoother and has almost no overlapping tiles. On the other hand, the 2 mm rainwater disposal suggested by NBR 15,527 (ABNT, 2007) has shown to be insufficient to guarantee the safe and secure use of the collected water to both users and hydraulic installations, requiring for this purpose the installation of at least a simplified water treatment unit.application/pdfAcesso Abertoaproveitamento de água de chuvadescarte de água de chuvasistemas prediaisqualidade da água de telhadosrainfall collectionrainwater disposalsustainable building systems, water quality from roofs1.Aproveitamento de água de chuva 2.Descarte de água de chuva 3.Sistemas prediaisCNPQ::ENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA SANITARIA::RECURSOS HIDRICOSAvaliação do desempenho do sistema de descarte de água de chuva coletada em coberturas de três diferentes tipos de materiaisPerformance assessment of disposal units from Rainfal collection system from roofs made by three different materialsDissertação