2014-12-292014-05-23MENDONÇA, Bruno de Abreu. Do game à arte: processo criativo em gamearte, 2014. 171 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Arte e Cultura Visual) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3833The research presented here seeks, through the investigation of the characteristics and ways of the electronic games, analyze their possibilities as an art object – the form of artistic expression called gameart. Through exploratory research that permeates the origins of video games, their relationships, motivations and evolution, its intended to develop a deeper understanding of the structure and definition of the electronic game in order to develop an gameart object that can reflect, deconstruct and /or criticize characteristics from the universe of eletronic games . After presenting the definition, genres and formats of games, the research turns to the definition and analysis of the concept of gameart, revisiting the origins of this new creative possibility and reflecting on the possibilities to treat a video game as an art object. The theoretical analysis developed here became the basis for experimentation and construction of aesthetic and conceptual scheme, aiming at the creative process of two gameart objects , the first more generalist and created as an exercise of introduction to the universe of gameart and the second, deeper, seeking a detailing of the elements that define it. Both gameart objects served as basis for the construction of a third – and last – gameart object, presenting concepts acquired by experience with previous works : Labyrinth of the Mind.application/pdfAcesso AbertoGameGamearteProcesso criativoArte e tecnologiaGameGameartCreative processArt & technologyARTES::ARTES DO VIDEODo game à arte: processo criativo em gamearteFrom game to art: gameart creativeDissertação