2018-10-302018-10-05AMIM JÚNIOR, J. E. Tomada de decisões e o aprendizado de matemática financeira: uma experiência com aplicativos para smartphone. 2018. 74 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Matemática em Rede Nacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9013The present work was a technical report that introduced the course and the results of the investigate work accomplished in the Professional Mathematics Master’s Program in National Network (Profmat). I proposed a method of teaching Financial Mathematics focused in the use of financial applications for smartphone, having as main objective to verify the students' development in relation to the made decisions in situations that are offered to them the possibility to choose the applications to assist in the resolution of problems. As main benchmark was used the heuristics of problem solving proposed by George Polya (1995), the use of smartphones and Applications as Pedagogic tools, according to Voltolini (2016) and Soares (2016): the creating of a virtual learning environmoent, according to Shitsuka (2012), and the critic mathematics education associated with resolution of problem, according to Skovsmose (2000). From the application of the method it resulted an electronic textbook of studies as education product, whose title is "Financial Mathematical with Use of Applications for Smartphone." Aimed for teachers of the Basic Education, the electronic textbook has theoretical summaries and links for the resolutions of the exercises in videos posted on YouTube. A qualitative research was carried out in four meetings, and the instruments of data collection were questionnaires, record sheets and videos captured by the participating students themselves. This allowed to observe the capacity of the students' autonomy in the choice of the applications. The critical glance that they developed when analyzing interest rates and options of payments, serves with foundation for the construction of a financial education to be used in daily routine.application/pdfAcesso AbertoResolução de problemasAplicativos financeirosEducação financeiraEnsino de matemáticaResolution of problemFinancial applicationsFinancial educationMathematical teachingMATEMATICA::MATEMATICA APLICADATomada de decisões e o aprendizado de matemática financeira: uma experiência com aplicativos para smartphoneMake decisions and the learning of financial mathematics: an experience with applications for smartphoneDissertação