2016-10-182015-07-09MAMEDE, M. M. S. Análise genética para maciez de carne e suas relações com as características produtivas em bovinos nelore mocho. 2015. 88 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência Animal) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6410Genetic parameters were estimated for growth traits involving the weights at 120 (P120), 210 (P210), 365 (P365), and 450 (P450) days of age, reproductive traits, such as scrotal circumference calculated at 365 (PE365) and 450 (PE450) days of age, age at first calving (IPP), accumulated productivity (PAC) in kg of weaned calves, and cow stayability (STAY - Stayability), carcass, considering ribeye area (REA), subcutaneous fat thickness (EG), and fat thickness on the back (EGP8), and the tenderness of the meat, as measured by Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) in polled Nellore cattle reared in the Cerrado biome. For all features, Bayesian analysis bi characteristics were performed by adopting linear animal model, whereas for the analyzes involving STAY, the linear threshold model was used. Mean posterior heritability estimates for P120 (0.20), P210 (0.21), P365 (0.44), P450 (0.40), PE365 (0.31), PE450 (0.37), IPP (0.16), PAC (0.25), STAY (0.16), AOL (0.30), EG (0.13), EGP8 (0.24), and WBSF (0.16) indicate response to the selection process. Estimates of maternal heritability for P120 (0.10) and P210 (0.09) suggest genetic effects of breeding in contributing to the performance of calves at weaning. Estimates of genetic and environmental correlation obtained for the growth characteristics were of high magnitude. By analyzing the growth characteristics with carcass, the genetic and residual correlations between AOL weights at 210 (0.46 and 0.37, respectively), 365 (0.59 and 0.39, respectively), and 450 (0.56 and 0.50, respectively) days old stood out. Genetic and residual correlations between PE365 and PE450 were high and positive (0.91 and 0.74, respectively), as well as the genetic correlations of the CAP with PE365, PE450, IPP, and STAY (0.61, 0.62, -0.69 and 0.83, respectively). Therefore, PE365, PE450, and CAP are important selection criteria, which result in genetic progress for IPP and STAY. The AOL genetic correlations with EG (0.25) and EGP8 (0.06) were of low magnitude, however moderate between EG and EGP8 (0.49). The residual correlation between carcass traits showed low non-additive genetic association and/or of the environment. The WBSF mean estimates of genetic and residual correlations with reproductive and carcass traits were favorable, although they exhibited high standard deviations. The genetic correlation of WSBF with the weights were higher at the pre-weaning phase (-0.70 ± 0.26 with P120 and -0.78 ± 0.23 with P210) and lower at the post-weaning phase (-0.44 ± 0.43 with P365 and -0.22 ± 0.34 with P450). Estimates of genetic correlation of WBSF with EG, EGP8, and AOL were negative and close to zero. Residual correlations of WBSF with all the growth and carcass traits were negligible.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPerímetro escrotalIdade ao primeiro partoProdutividade acumuladaForça de cisalhamentoAnálise de ultrassonografiaScrotal circumferenceAge at first calvingAccumulated productivityShear forceUltrasound analysisZOOTECNIA::PRODUCAO ANIMALAnálise genética para maciez de carne e suas relações com as características produtivas em bovinos nelore mochoGenetic analysis of meat tenderness and its relationships with productive traits in polled nellore cattleTese