2014-09-012013-08-29SERODIO, Juliana Job. Resistência das raças bovinas nelore, curraleiro-pé-duro e pantaneiro a intoxicação experimental por palicourea marcgravii a. St. Hil. 2013. 101 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Animal) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2973The study aimed to evaluate bovines from different brazilian breeds that were submitted to experimental intoxication to Palicourea marcgravii A. St. Hill. Six animals from Nelore (G1), Curraleiro Pé-Duro (G2) and Pantaneiro (G3) breeds were used in the groups. The animals were experimental intoxicated with sodium monofluoracetate acid receiving one single dose of the compound in a dosage of 0,5kg/mg that was administered orally. In order to evaluate the animals, several exams were proceeded such as clinical (rectal temperature, heart and pulmonary rate and ruminal motricity),laboratorial (glucose, alcaline phosphatase, gamma glutamyl transferase, aspartase aminitranferase, creatinine, kinase, creatine, urea, bilirubin, total protein, albumin, globulin) and also histopatological examination. The bovines from G1 showed the first clinical signs between 4h28min and 5h55min and the whole group died after. First clinical signs presented by the G2 animals were between 2h45min and 4h05min after the plant was administered culminating in death of all animals. The main clinical signs observed was inapetence, jugular was dilated, tachycardia, tachypnea, paddling movements, vocalization, hypertermia and low ruminal motricity. The hematology and ALP results showed normal parameters in their results. However, GGT, bilirubin, urea and albumin showed relevant alterations that confirmed azotemia in animals that belonged to G1 and G2. Histopatology results showed multifocal citoplasmtic macrovacuolization and nuclei presenting picnose in epithelial cells from the convoluted tubules. The lesions that were found in the bovines kidneys’ were able to prove the efficacy of the intoxication protocol. The lower indexes of death were identified in Curraleiro Pé Duro bovines showing the greater resistency when compared to Nelore and Pantaneiro breeds. The shortest time interval between the plant intake and death suggest that Pantaneiro breed is more sensitive than Nelore and Curraleiro Pé Duro breeds.application/pdfAcesso abertoBovinosCafezinhoÁcido monofluoroacetato de sódioModelo experimentalIntoxicação por plantasBovineCafezinhoSodium monofluoracetate acidExperimentalPlant intoxicationCLINICA E CIRURGIA ANIMAL::CLINICA CIRURGICA ANIMALResistência das raças bovinas nelore, curraleiro-pé-duro e pantaneiro a intoxicação experimental por palicourea marcgravii a. St. Hil.Resistence of bovine breeds nelore, curraleiro pé-duro and pantaneiro of poisoning experimental by palicourea marcgravii A.St. HilDissertação