2018-02-232018-02-16BORELLI, Julma Dalva Vilarinho Pereira. O estágio e o desafio decolonial: (des)construindo sentidos sobre a formação de professores/as de inglês. 2018. 222 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8185The reconceptualization of linguistics in a proposal of critical practice has brought important reflections for language studies. The consideration of other voices, recognizing what we can learn from those on the margins, broadens our possibilities as applied linguists and invites us to look at ourselves as well as at the practices we reproduce. In addition, this critical perspective challenges us to transgress the boundaries that separate disciplinary knowledge, which moves us away from the possibility of expanding our views by taking into account other kinds of knowledge (MOITA LOPES, 2006). In line with this proposal of problematization, decolonial thinking is discussed by social scientists as a standpoint, a way of being in the world (MIGNOLO, 2014). The decolonial challenge consists of problematizing colonialities, which maintain and reproduce violent ways of living in this world and thinking about it. In this study, I take this path of decolonial criticism and, based on the knowledge of those who experience the teaching practicum – school teachers, university teachers and pre-service teachers, I discuss the following objectives: a) to problematize the structure of the teaching practicum and discuss the main challenges faced in the English teaching practicum; b) to problematize the interpersonal relationships built during the teaching practicum by those participants; c) discuss the possibilities of re-signifying both the structure and the interpersonal relationships of the teaching practicum. To enable these reflections, I talked to teachers from different contexts in the Midwest: 10 university teachers (5 from Goiás, 3 from Mato Grosso, 1 from Mato Grosso do Sul, and 1 from the Federal District); 11 schoolteachers (8 from one city in Goiás and 3 from one city in Mato Grosso); and 40 pre-service teachers (12 from a university in Goiás, 13 from a university in the Federal District, 9 from a university in Mato Grosso, and 6 from another university in Goiás). Thus, the interpretations and discussions of the knowledge constructed in this study are based on principles of qualitative research (DENZIN; LINCOLN, 2013), considering aspects of a decolonial practice. Regarding the structure of the teaching practicum, our main reflections, in this doctoral dissertation, point to a teaching practicum highly influenced by a technical perspective of teacher education and oriented by documents that emphasize collaboration between school and university without promoting conditions for the accomplishment of this task. In addition, the separation of teacher observation and teaching practice does not seem to make sense, since there is not involvement of the pre-service teachers and university teachers in the school life. Concerning the interpersonal relationships, we problematize the lack of interaction that characterizes the teaching practicum, the hierarchy that separates teachers, based on the place where they work, and the type of relationship experienced within the university itself. In addition, we focus on the conflicts that are generated by a teaching practicum that is planned at the university, without negotiation with the school, and we think about possibilities for a more integrated work. Based on these problematizations, I advocate a decolonial teaching practicum, that goes beyond bringing university and school together, and promotes an epistemological re-conceptualization which can make the teaching practicum a space of speech and careful listening (SILVESTRE;, 2017; REZENDE, 2017) for all participants.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEstágio.Formação de professores/as de InglêsDecolonialidadeTeaching practicumEnglish teacher educationDecolonialityLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LINGUISTICAO estágio e o desafio decolonial: (des)construindo sentidos sobre a formação de professores/as de InglêsTeaching practicum and the decolonial challenge: (de)constructing meanings about English teacher educationTese