2015-05-252014-03-27FREITAS, N. A representação visual do pincel atômico em Goiás na década de 1980. 2014. 121 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Historia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4577The work "The visual representation of Pincel Atômico in Goiás in the 1980’s" talks about the scenario of urban art in Goiás in the late 1980s . The group, which consisted of two graffiti artists, was one of the developers of graffiti art on the streets of Goiânia and neighboring towns. Their art used to leave colorful inscriptions on the walls, with much criticism, humor and joy, using spray paint for such results. The group had an active stance in the art scene in Goiás during the 1980’s, a decade in which the streets were used as a place for artistic expression , addressing controversial issues which involved political, moral and social issues of national and international scope such as AIDS, rock and radioactivity. Its performance was particularly importante, due to the fact that the state of Goiás was going through a difficult time as a result of radiological accident triggered by the rupture of a capsule of cesium -137, which occurred in Goiânia in 1987 . This unique art, which turns the city into a high potentially cognitive "urban text", allows us to investigate our relationship with it, often unconsciously. The cultural history of a city is also seen and examined by visual representations installed in its urban area.application/pdfAcesso AbertoGrafite pincel atômicoArte urbanaEstado de GoiásPincel atômico graffitiUrban artState of GoiásCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAA representação visual do pincel atômico em Goiás na década de 1980The visual representation of pincel atômico in Goiás in the 1980’sDissertação