2023-05-102023-05-102023-03-09BAÚ, Maria de Fátima Furtado. Análise linguística no ensino médio: caminhos e descaminhos da leitura e da escrita na escola pública. 2023. 265 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12815The present study aims to show how the linguistican alysis provides a meaning fuland productive learnin gof the portuguese language to Ensino Médio (High School) students. For that purpose, I took bakhtinian dialogism as theoretical basis, also considering Bakhtin's studies on speech genre sand new researche son the fieldof language, notably the works of Franchi ([1987] 2006); Brito (1997) and Geraldi ([1981-1984/1997] 2006); [1991] /2002). Tosupport the linguistican alysis, I sustained this study on the works of Travaglia (2010); Costa Hubes (2010); Bezerra and Reinaldo (2013); Sousa Filho (2017) and Mendonça (2009). To this purpose, I divided the present thes is in three chapters: in the first one, I defined a spects related to the methodology adopted. In the second one, I made some reflections about Bakhtin's dialogic theory, the speech genres and the Ensino Médio portuguese teaching and learning practices in Brazil. In the third chapter, I did the description and analysis of the data collected. I adopted a qualitative research method approach, centredon the action research model (SANDIN ESTEBAN, 2010; DENZIN and LINCOLN, 2006; SERRANO, 1998; BOGDAN and BILKLEN, 1982; LÜDKE and ANDRÉ, 1986; CRESWELL, 1998), with procedural intervention sonthelessons as presented bythe longitudinal work of Dodane (2015). Thus, it's a Field research study where I developed, with the students of thesecond grade of a public Ensino Médio school in the cityof Goiânia, a teaching/learning português e language Project centredon the speech genres, considering the crime novel as the main genre. I used the participant observation as the main method for data collection, complementedby documentan alysis (texts researched, readand writtenby the students). Our analysis showed that, at the beginning of the research, thestudents gave more attention to writting words correctly than to aspects related to text production. After the application of the project, I noticed that the students started to realize that writing texts is a practice that goes beyondmere orthography, comprehending that when wewrite we have the intention of writing something to someone, targeting certain communicative strategies, making choices related to language (on grammar and lexicon). They also realized that those choices define our style of writing/saying and that the Grammar and lexicon forms can't be written or readrandomly, as they are chained to the context. At the end of the process, students learned no tonly the features of the genres, but also how language manifests through different genres toaim communicative intentions. It was perceived on both speech and writing that portuguese language learning through the speech genres, organized in the form of projects, supports the study in context, articulating portuguese language and literature, as well as reading practices, writing and linguistican alysis. I noticed that reading and rewriting texts, individuall yor collectively, is a practice that must Best imulated in schools, empowering the students in a way that, after the conclusion of the high school, they become future readers na dwriters.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalEnsino e aprendizagemLeitura e escritaGêneros do discursoAnálise linguísticaLiteraturaTeaching and learningReading and writingSpeech genresLinguistic analysisLiteratureLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRAS::LITERATURAS CLASSICASAnálise linguística no ensino médio: caminhos e descaminhos da leitura e da escrita na escola públicaLinguistic analysis in high school: outcomes and challenges of brazilian public school reading and writing practicesTese