2023-04-182023-04-182016-09-02Martins, K. L. E. Avaliação do processo cicatricial utilizando biomembrana de látex de hancornia speciosa e regederm® em feridas de espessura total induzidas experimentalmente em ratos. 2016. 68 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biologia da Relação Parasito-Hospedeiro) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12757The use of Hevea brasiliensis latex in the wound treatment have been widely studied as a biomembrane bandage. Nowadays it is comercially available as Regederm®, a gel-ointment indicated in the use of cutaneous wounds treatment. Also the Hevea brasiliensis látex has been used in the wound healing because of its angiogenic and anti-inflammatory ativities. The presente study aimed the comparison of the healing effects of H. speciosa biomembrane and Regederm®. 70 Wistar rats divided in G1 – control group, treated with physiologic solution, G2 – treated with Regederm®, G3 – treated with H. speciosa biomembrane, G4 – mixed treatment with Regederm® and physiologic solution. The euthanasia occurred at 3, 7, 14 and 21 days after the induction (DAI) of the incisional injury. Morphometric, microscopic and macroscopic analysis were performed evaluating the general pathologic processes. It was possible to observe that the H. speciosa biomembrane decreased necrosis and inflammation during the inflammatory and proliferative phases of the healing process. The angiogenesis observed was similar to the one found in the Regederm® treated group. During the maturation phase of the healing process the Regederm® continued to stimulate the angiogenesis which was not observed in the H. speciosa biomembrane treated group. There was an intense stimulus of fibroblastos with the Regederm® treated group and the mixed treatment group in the proliferative and maturation phases of the healing process while in the H. speciosa biomembrane treated group there was an inhibition of these cells. It was possible to observe that in the Regederm® treated group there was a continuous inflammation of the tissue during the maturation phase of the healing process. Therefore it is possible to conclude that Regederm® contributed to the healing process in its inflammatory and proliferative phases but tended to perpetuate the inflammation process. While the H. speciosa biomembrane decreased necrosis and inflammation during the initial phases of the healing process, stimulated angiogenesis and interrupted these stimuly during the maturation phase of the healing process. The mixed treatment group decreased the delayed angiogenic effects of Regederm® however the inflammation was sustained leading to a delay in the healing process with less wound contraction.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalCicatrizaçãoBiomembranaHancornia speciosaRegederm® e WistarHealingBiomembraneHancornia speciosaRegederm® and WistarOUTROSAvaliação do processo cicatricial utilizando biomembrana de látex de hancornia speciosa e regederm® em feridas de espessura total induzidas experimentalmente em ratosEvaluation of the healing process using hancornia speciosa latex biomembrane and regederm® in experimentally induced full-thickness wounds in wistar ratsDissertação