2015-10-162015-02-23SILVEIRA, A. A. C. Criopreservação de ápices caulinares e micropropagação em condições heterotróficas e mixotróficas de eugenia dysenterica (Mart.) DC. 2015. 74 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Genetica e Melhoramentode Plantas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4648Conventional micropropagation systems often use culture media supplemented with sucrose and sealed bottles. This system is called heterotófico as exogenous carbohydrates are the only source of energy for the plant. Mixotróficos systems, although still adding sucrose in half, have the differential to allow gas exchange between the internal and external environment of the culture flask. This ventilation brings many benefits to plant growth in vitro. By the constant loss of the Savannah area, it is necessary to improve micropropagation protocols and germplasm conservation of the species within it. Cryopreservation is considered the best for long-term preservation method and the encapsulation-dehydration technique have been promising for tropical species. The objectives were to compare the heterotrophic system in vitro propagation of Eugenia dysenterica (Mart.) DC. mixotrófico with a system, and get a method of germplasm storage dysenterica E. vitro by cryopreservation. Identified Gems' positions in the stem (closer to the root or the apex) were inoculated in tubes with or without gas exchange in WPM medium supplemented with 0,00μΜ, 0,54μM, 2,69μM, and 5,37μM, NAA, and 0,00μM, 4,44μM, 11,10μM and 17,76μM BAP in all possible combinations. For rooting was used WPM medium supplemented with IBA to 0,00μM, 9,84μM, 19,68μM, and 29,52μM. The system of gas exchange was greater in the number of sheets in most analyzed variables. The type of gem had little influence on the variables. The best treatment in heterotrophic and mixotrófico systems was 29.52 mM of IBA, with 33.33% and 16.66% respectively rooting. Acclimatization was performed successfully in both systems. For cryopreservation was used apexes obtained from plants grown in vitro. The apices were initially suspended in MS medium supplemented with 3% solution of sodium alginate, 0.4 M glycerol and 4,44μM BAP and dispensed in MS medium solution (free of calcium) supplemented with 0.1 M calcium chloride, 0.4 M glycerol and 4,44μM BAP. The summits were held in three exposure levels of sucrose (0.25M, 0.5M, and 0.75M) combined will three levels of desiccation (0 h, 1 h, 2 h) before being frozen in liquid nitrogen. There was no regeneration in cryopreserved apexes. The best treatment for non-cryopreserved apices consisted of 0.25M sucrose and 1 h of drying. The null regeneration of cryopreserved apices which indicates that the stress is related to desiccation stress freezing.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCagaiteiraSistemas heterotróficosSistemas mixotróficosCriopreservação,Encapsulamento-desidrataçãoCIENCIAS AGRARIAS::AGRONOMIACriopreservação de ápices caulinares e micropropagação em condições heterotróficas e mixotróficas de eugenia dysenterica (Mart.) DC.Cryopreservation of shoot apices and micropropagation in heterotrophic and mixotrophic conditions of Eugenia dysenterica (Mat.) DC.Dissertação