2019-11-142019-10-19OLIVEIRA, Marcos Simon de. Orçamento em instituições federais de ensino superior: proposta de matriz orçamentária associada aos elementos da qualidade. 2019. 144 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração Pública em Rede Nacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Aparecida de Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10175This project aimed to develop a budgetary matrix, researching ways to associate with the budgetary source of Federal Institution of Superior Education, elements of quality and indicators of the evaluation of Higher Education. For this, three very important points for the Federal Institutions were analyzed. The first is the financing of the Federal Institutions of Higher Education, composed mostly of funds passed on by the Union, the main sponsor. The second point addressed the quality of public service directed to the citizen. The quality of the concepts and tools has since long been used in products and services, and recent work has been developed for their application in the public service. The third point is the use of indicators to qualify courses and IFES. To this end, the Federal Government created the National Higher Education Evaluation System, which evaluates aspects such as teaching, research, extension, social responsibility, institution management and faculty, seeking to improve the merit and institutional value. By studying and analyzing these three points, this research sought to link them together to formulate a budgetary matrix to further analyze the Federal Institution of Superior Education budget, looking for more efficient ways to manage public resources, providing greater benefits to society and transparency in its operations. In this sense and as a link to create a field of integration between the three highlighted points in this research, the Stakeholder Theory was approached, characterized and applied.application/pdfAcesso AbertoOrçamentoQualidadeSINAESTeoria do StakeholderMatriz orçamentáriaBudgetQualityStakeholder theoryBudget matrixADMINISTRACAO::ADMINISTRACAO PUBLICAOrçamento em instituições federais de ensino superior: proposta de matriz orçamentária associada aos elementos da qualidadeBudget in federal higher education institutions: proposal for a budget matrix associated with quality elementsDissertação