2019-10-232019-09-27ROCHA, Donizete Silva. Ensino de história indígena no município de Aruanã-GO: estudo de caso e proposta de material didático sobre o povo Iny. 2019. 159 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10122The present work is constituted of a discussion about the teaching of History and the indigenous theme in the municipality of Aruanã-GO as well as the elaboration and application of the educational product Cesta da História Iny. The choice of the municipality of Aruanã-Go is due to the existence of the indigenous territory of the Iny people, also known as Karajá. This singularity brought the first questions to the elaboration of this research, of how to the indigenous thematic was approached in the history teaching in the municipality of Aruanã-GO. Having understood this context we point out a situation of concealment of this theme in the teaching of history with Bergamaschi (2010) and we discuss how the processes of representations were constructed in relation to the indigenous peoples in the history teaching with Chartier (1990) and in turn, the consequences of these stigmatizing representations with Goffman's concept of stigma (1975). Understanding all this narrative existing between the indigenous theme and the teaching of history, we started to elaborate the educational product Basket of Iny History. This material is formed by a basket of straw, a doll ritxòkò, books and academic productions on the indigenous subject, and a material in format of apostilled made by means of secondary sources on the historical formation of the Iny people. All of these materials were delivered to the school unit for the application teachers. Before the application of the product we performed a diagnosis on the indigenous theme and the teaching of history in the researched teaching unit together with the pedagogical coordination. Subsequently, the application teachers and the pedagogical coordinator defined the best implementation strategy, with a sequence of 08 lessons with shared readings, lectures, debates and resolution of the activities proposed in the educational product. In the end, the application teachers were asked to prepare a report on their impressions and difficulties faced in relation to each class taught using the educational product.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEnsino de históriaTemática indígenaEnsinoEducação básicaHistory teachingIndigenous thematicTeachingBasic educationEDUCACAO::ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEMEnsino de história indígena no município de Aruanã-GO: estudo de caso e proposta de material didático sobre o povo InyEducation of indigenous history in the city of Aruanã-GO: case study and proposed teaching material about Iny peopleDissertação