2017-04-252017-03-31GARCÍA, H. A. R. Superfícies isocurvadas no semiespaço Euclidiano tridimensional. 2017. 68 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Matemática) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7215In this work we develop the basics of the concept of Isocurved Surface, introduced in [2] by Barroso and Roitman, that is, a surface immersed in a 3-dimensional manifold M and which have the same Gaussian curvature induced by two different metrics. Later on, we show a geometric method to generate non-trivial examples of elliptic and hyperbolic isocurved surfaces for the particular case of M = R3+ and the Euclidean and hyperbolic metrics induced on it. We also exhibit some examples coming from the geometric method above.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCurvatura GaussianaMétricas conformesEspaço hiperbólicoSuperfícies mínimasCongruência de geodésicasGaussian curvatureConformal metricsHyperbolic spaceMinimal surfacesCongruence of geodesicsMATEMATICA::GEOMETRIA E TOPOLOGIASuperfícies isocurvadas no semiespaço Euclidiano tridimensionalIsocurved surfaces in Euclidean three-dimensional half-spaceDissertação