2014-07-292011-11-232010-11-24OLIVEIRA, Franciane Araújo de. Os usos da água sob a representação de múltiplos atores: uma abordagem territorial do médio curso da Bacia do Rio doce no sudoeste goiano. 2010. 142 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1862In this thesis are analyzed the water uses under multiple actors' representation in a territorial approach of Rio Doce's middle course watershed, in the southwest part of Goiás, Brazil. With the territory and subsistence agriculture and ranching's modernization" increases the capitalist farming and ranching, changing the pace of production and technologies employed in the production process, the space organization and also the water uses and senses. The Rio Doce s basin and southwest part of Goiás are representative for the analysis of water uses and meanings because of the plurality of actors and activities involved in the production process. The research problem that is expected to answer is: how the territorialized actors in Rio Doce s basin represent the uses and meanings of water according to its place in the world? Following a plural methodological conduct, primary and secondary quantative and specially qualitative data are used, which reveal the meanings gave by these actors to the spatial reality in discussion. In this research area, hegemonyed by agribusiness, both the export agriculture activity as well as the ranching one make the water enter in international economy device, having, in consequence, a geopolitical sense.application/pdfAcesso AbertoUsos da águarepresentação socialmúltiplos atoresbacia hidrográficasudoeste goianoWater usesrepresentationmultiple actorsbasin basin, Goiás southwesternCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAOs usos da água sob a representação de múltiplos atores: uma abordagem territorial do médio curso da Bacia do Rio doce no sudoeste goianoDissertação