2016-09-122016-07-11OLIVEIRA, F. E. F. Oliveira. Internacionalismo e nacionalismo em Mário Pedrosa: um estudo sobre sua obra política (1925-1966). 2016. 257 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás,Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6174This research has as its object Mário Pedrosa's political work from 1925 to 1966. The study makes use of the theoretical and methodological model proposed by João Bernardo, and follows Pedrosa's course through several social groups, seeking to understand the intellectual evolution of the author from the ideologies expressed by such groups. The work's objective is to present and provide an explanation to Pedrosa's transition from proletarian internationalism to the Third World nationalism. That explanation centers on the author's institutional trajectory, first through social groups linked to the working class, then through social groups linked to various classes, which is interpreted as the gateway to the Third World nationalism. This study comes to fill a gap in academic research on the author, bringing unknown writings from Pedrosa, mostly from the 1950's, that set him within the field of Brazilian anti-imperialist nationalism, alongside intellectuals linked for instance to the ISEB and other institutions. Pedrosa is best known for his trajectory within the ambit of the arts, the ambit of culture. And his best known political work, and for there is a satisfactory historiographic production, is that one of the 1920's. Thus, through this thesis, we intend to present an intellectual evolution that is unknown in the academic ambit.application/pdfAcesso AbertoMarxismoInternacionalismoNacionalismoTerceiro mundoEstruturalismoMarxismInternationalismNationalismThird worldStructuralismCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAInternacionalismo e nacionalismo em Mário Pedrosa: um estudo sobre sua obra política (1925-1966)Internationalism and nationalism in Mario Pedrosa: a study of his political work (1925-1966)Dissertação