2024-09-162024-09-162024-11-30PASSOS, P. C. O sujeito e a masculinidade no mundo contemporâneo. 2023. 125 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/13331This work investigates the constitution of the subject and masculinity in contemporaneity and under what insignia it has been structured. It is also interested in elucidating how their relationships of love and jouissance currently operate. The research starts with a literature review of psychoanalytic theory, in dialogue with historical, cultural and political aspects, as a basis for understanding current phenomena. It is from the first experiences of identification with the other that humanization takes place; the subject is caused by the desire of the Other, in an operation of alienation and separation. The child must identify with the parental images in order to get away from them, so masculinity is constituted by identification with the father, as a virile semblance transmitted through language. Masculinity is an effect of discourse, and its references can be located historically. In this sense, the semblances of masculinity today were constructed in modern Western history, which articulated masculinity and virility. The result is nostalgia for a lost manly-animal condition, disseminated as an ideal, but which is not in line with human experience. Therefore, this masculinity has always had crisis and failure as a mark of its constitution. There has been a historical construction of an imperative of violent enjoyment articulated to masculinity, which externalizes death drives and represses passive drives as a defense against castration. The male way of loving is fixed on anaclitic fantasies, objectification and domination of women as narcissistic satisfaction. Faced with love's incompleteness, it is possible for men to turn to the phallus in search of a second woman. Such references can act as a restriction on the desiring condition, leading him and others to suffer. It is in the hole in the male discourse that unique paths can be found.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalSujeitoMasculinidadeContemporaneidadeVirilidadeSubjectMasculinityContemporaneityVirilityCIENCIAS HUMANAS::PSICOLOGIAO sujeito e a masculinidade no mundo contemporâneoThe Subject and Masculinity in the Contemporary WorldDissertação