2014-07-292008-12-102007-02-23BRITO, Maria Auxiliadora Gomes de Mello. Nursing diagnosis of NANDA identified in people with acute spinal cord injury through approaching based on the theory of long term care deficit.. 2007. 230 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Cuidado em Enfermagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2007.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/769The nursery role next to people with acute spinal cord injury is of great reaching, and it requires knowledge from the professionals faced to the features of that population. The nursing diagnosis (ND) knowledge that occurs on that group of people can help on more efficient introducing of nursing systems. Facing the exposed above, it emerges the need of knowing the diagnosis profile of that population. It is about a descriptive study of the quantitative approaching and aims: 1 - to analyze the nursing diagnosis profile of North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA), identified next to acute spinal cord injury carriers using Orem Model. 2 To analyze the relation of identified nursing diagnosis numbers with the variables: age, sex, income, marital status and level of scholarship of the person with acute spinal cord injury, etiology, level and extent of the injury, lead time of the injury, existence of a daycare, sex and degree of kinship of the daycare. 3 to analyze the relation of the identified nursing diagnosis with those variables. To the data collection, it was made interviews, physical exam and consulting to the patient files. In the ND developing it was realized the process of rational thought process proposed by Helland and the Taxonomy II of NANDA. 30 patients with acute spinal cord injury participated on the sample, independent from the gender, attended in the ambulatory of triage of a rehabilitation center of Goiás state, from November 2005 to December 2006, who agreed to take part in the research signing the informed consent , 73.3% of the patients were male, the medium age was 32.6 years old (± 10,29). The average time of the injury was 162 days (±369,9), 28 of the cases presented traumatic injury, and 16 presented complete spinal cord injury. From these ones, 16.7% were not literate. The familiar income varied from 0 to 5 minimum wages. 61 different nursing diagnoses were found, with a sum of 734 happenings, and the average was 24.46 ND per person. The most affected requirement of universal long term care was the one about prevention of dangerous to the life function and to the well- being of humans, with 20 ND and 318 happenings. The number of identified nursing diagnosis didn t present any link with the variables age, sex, income, marital status and scholarship of the person with acute spinal cord injury, etiology, level and extent of the injury, lead time of the injury, existence of the daycare, sex and degree of kinship of the daycare, to the studied sample. The variables with highest number of association with ND were: level of the injury that presented association statistically meaningful with ND impaired walking (p = 0.009); useless control of the therapeutic regime (p = 0.034); lack of care about feeding (p = 0.0006); lack of care about oral hygiene (p = 0.004); impaired physical mobility (p = 0.034); ineffective protection (p = 0.014); and risk for impaired home maintenance (p = 0.015), and the variable extent of the injury that presented association statistically meaningful with ND impaired walking (p = 0.007); sexual dysfunction (p = 0.005), intestinal incontinent (p = 0.033); total urinary incontinent (p = 0.0006); infection (p= 0.024); tissue integrity impaired (p = 0.16); ineffective protection (p = 0.0004); risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction (p = 0.002) and risk for musculoskeletal inactivity (p = 0.015). We hope the results of this research can contribute to the grounding of professional practice and to a better nursing assistance to acute spinal cord injury patients.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEnfermagemdiagnóstico de enfermagemteoria de OremTraumatismos da Medula Espinhal.Nursing, nursing diagnosis, Orem theory, Spinal cord injury.Diagnóstico de enfermagem; Enfermagem Teoria de Orem; Traumatismos da medula espinhalCNPQ::CIENCIAS DA SAUDE::ENFERMAGEMDiagnósticos de enfermagem da NANDA identificados em pessoas com lesão medular mediante abordagem baseada na teoria do déficit de autocuidadoNursing diagnosis of NANDA identified in people with acute spinal cord injury through approaching based on the theory of long term care deficit.Dissertação