2014-07-292009-05-222008-12-19SILVA, Marco Antônio Pereira da. Influence of the milking types, transport and storage time in the cooled raw milk quality of the goiano southwest. 2008. 83 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Agrárias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Rio Verde, 2008.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1105The objective of the research were evaluate cooled raw milk gotten in dairy properties of the Southwest Goiano in the periods rainy and dry of 2008. The samples were collected of individual producers where the storage in bulk tanks were carried for until 72 hours, with 24-hour intervals. Somatic cells count, total bacterial count and centesimal composition were carried in the Laboratório de Qualidade do Leite of the Centro de Pesquisa em Alimentos of the Escola de Veterinária of the Universidade Federal de Goiás. The microbiological analysis and titratable acidity were carried in the Laboratories of the Unidade de Agroindústria of the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Goiano Campus Rio Verde GO. Data were submitted to the variance analysis and the analyzed factors were: period, type of milking and storage time, in entirely casualized delineation and factorial arrangement 2 x 2 x 4. The comparison of period and type of milking was carried through by means of test F of the variance analysis. The storage time was analyzed by means of regression models. Software SISVAR was used for analysis. The results of the physical-chemical composition were in accordance with the legislation. The total bacterial count of cooled raw milk to the 24 hours of storage was above of the limit of the legislation. The count of psychrotrophic, psychrotrophic proteolytic and Pseudomonas spp., was bigger in the rainy period.application/pdfAcesso Abertohigieneleite refrigeradomastitetempo de estocagemestação do anohigieneleite resfriadotransporte a granelleite granelizadosilo industrialtemperatura de armazenamentocooled raw milkhygienemastitisstorage timestation of the yeartransport in bulkindustrial silostorage temperature1. Leite Cru - Resfriamento Tempo de Estocagem 2. Leite a Granel Microbiologia - Higiene 3. Leite Cru Qualidade - Goiás 4. Células SomáticasCNPQ::CIENCIAS AGRARIAS::CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS::TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOSINFLUÊNCIA DOS TIPOS DE ORDENHA, TRANSPORTE E TEMPO DE ARMAZENAMENTO NA QUALIDADE DO LEITE CRU REFRIGERADO DA REGIÃO SUDOESTE DO ESTADO DE GOIÁSInfluence of the milking types, transport and storage time in the cooled raw milk quality of the goiano southwestTese